♥Sharing the Love♥

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So, I got tagged by this awesome person ---> (@impose) to do this tag where you have to write 10 - 20 random things about you and tag some of your buddies to do it.

I think this is somewhat similar to that 'ice bucket challenge' that has been circulating the internet. Here are my 20 random facts:

♥I don't like cake. It's just something about the fluffiness that makes me really uncomfortable. I don't like having a fluffy sponge in my mouth. (no offense to the hardcore cake-lovers out there) but if the cake is like super fancy, like the fancy that melts in your mouth or something, of course I'll eat it.

♥I am super mood-swingy, or just swingy in general. I don't really know the reason why, but I would just find myself happy earlier then sad later or wanting and enjoying an activity now but wanting to quit in the future. Eh, that's how I am.

♥As I am writing this, I am a red belt in taekwondo. I started like, I'm not really sure, maybe summer '11 or summer '12. It was certainly a struggle with everything and all, but I did get good friends along the way, so that's a bonus.

♥Remember that thing about me being swingy in general, yeah that also goes with hair. I may sometimes like braiding it. Sometimes, I enjoy having it down. Sometimes I just wanna clip it cuz it looks absolutely kewl or maybe, I just absolutely cannot stand it that I have to throw it up into an agonizing ponytail.

♥I am pretty naïve when it comes to friends. No matter how mad I am at you now, I would never be able to bring it three years later. I cannot hold a grudge for more than thirty minutes. Just because we talk a lot, I would think that we're like really tight, but apparently that person is saying stuff about you behind your back. And yes, it has stabbed me in the back and betrayed me at some point, but I like it this way rather than holding it for months and letting it grow into a beautiful grudge plant. No

♥I like pink. I just noticed it now but most of my things are pink. My phone's pink. My bag's pink. My iPod touch is pink (with a pink case so my sister says that its totally pink overload) I sometimes wear a pink head band. My pajamas are pink. Just OMG PINK <333

♥I love taking notes with a wide assortment of pens. Black's just too boring, ya'know? My notebooks are like beautiful rainbows puked on them and made the beautiful too. Everyone says that I'm weird because of that, but I like it and that's all that matters, right?

♥I am a fourteen year old girl and I have a shitload of lip products. I'm putting my product-buying on hold for now just so I can finish the ones I have without them going bad. I stated off with nly having lip balms and lip glosses and stuff like that, then came the lipsticks and all that other stuf f= happy girl. I hate those stuff that claim that they're moisturizing but they just make your lips shed little bits off dead skin. Sucks hardcore!

♥As you can see from my adorable icon, I do wear my hair in two braided pigtails. Don't judge! It's just a better alternative of keeping it away from your face instead of murdering it by pulling it up in a tight ponytail. My hairline is kinda way back there, so I don't wanna have it go back even further to the point of my hair getting extinct. And as we are still in my appearance, yes I do wear glasses. I have really bad eyesight. My eyeglasses are like 625, so yeah.

♥I like braiding people's hair. I don't know, they just have better and longer hair than me. Fun!

♥I get slepy very easily. Just put me in like a cold car or something and I will be snoring before you even know it.

♥I have an older sister. She's three years older than me, but she acts like she's nine years younger. (5 years old if you don't wanna do the math) She's immature. I'm above normal maturity, so I guess that cancels eachother out and restores the balance of nature and all that. I trust her with all my secrets. She may have her dumb moments (a lot) but I love her to pieces and I couldn't have asked for a better sister or a better best friend. :* i love you @bucolic-

♥The Phantom of the Opera has touched my heart every time I watch it. It doesn't matter on who plays the characters, I have cried for many reasons many times because of it, and it enlightened my on so many things.

♥I love coffee :3

♥I love chocolate :3

♥I hate mosquitoes, they can go fuck themselves! (Quoted by a hilarious friend)

♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

so that is it for my random facts :3 <--- love that.

@TheFallenRose13 @youngwildandfreeeee @thebipolarunciorn @DreamerForeveer @AndreaSophiaPornel @royalbluerose @kylamarieyao @bucolic-

☝☝☝☝ I tag those people to write their own random facts and publish it in any of their books as a chapter. And you have to dedicate it to the person who tagged you. (a.k.a me)

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