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Well… This is an interesting situation.

Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and I rode in the back of the car as Jin drove with a scowl, V laughing up a storm next to him. 

"Beomgyu, wait, say it for me again, you did what?" He said through cackles.

"I punched him…" Beomgyu mumbled embarrassedly.

"RM and Suga are not going to be happy when we get home… Ugh! Why do I have to be an adult right now?" Jin groaned. I couldn't help but snicker at his childishness.

"Jin~ can we go get smoothies?" Kai piped up.

"Kai...sweetie, you're not even supposed to be here, you arent even suspeneded." V chuckled, reaching back to ruffle his hair.

“But we had a hard day, please?” Yeonjun chuckled, smiling big for V.

“Hard day my butt, you guys were only at school for an hour before starting a mess." We all burst into laughter.

“The one who is really going to be having a hard day is Taehyun, he’s going to have to explain your absence to all of your teachers.” V added

“Nah, he’s probably just going to shrug it off.” Kai chuckled.

Jin and V had some errands to run before we could get some smoothies, Beomgyu and Kai slept peacefully in the car while Yeonjun listened to music on his headphones. This is the first time in a long time we’ve all been together and it was peaceful silence.

I thought back to what that guy had said...

Better?! The only thing that guy has going for him is his height.

That may be true I guess.

I decided to text Daisy first, I haven’t seen her all day since I’ve been with the boys.

Hey, can we talk?

Within seconds she was already typing back




When are you free?



I raised an eyebrow, it would be lunch time by now, what is she doing?

Ok, call me when you’re free

I pocketed my phone, by then Jin and V were back in the car.

“Oh, asleep already?” V chuckled.

“Nope.” Beomgyu popped his P, obviously only half-awake

“Sshh, it was quieter when you were sleeping.” I whispered into his ear, hoping he would go back to sleep.

“No! SMMOOOTHHIEEE!” He wailed, waking up Kai too.

“SMOOOTHIEEEE!” They yelled together.

“Welp, lets go get those smoothies.” V shrugged.

We pulled up and as soon as we loaded out of the car like the circus we are, I noticed an almost dodgy movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over and sneaking around the side of the cafe was a girl and boy in our school's uniform.

I squinted my eyes and I could see the girl had an odd shade of blonde hair.


The two went into the alley way and I followed them, I ignored the boys calling me and continued walking, following them to the side alley. 

When they stopped I pressed myself against the wall, listening closely.

"Do you think he saw us?" I could hear Daisy whisper.

"Why does it matter? I thought you loved me?" The boy snapped at her. I recognized the voice as that one guy from Korean class.

"I do." She reassured.

"Then break. Up. With. Him." He demanded. I clenched my fists.

"It's not that easy!" She whined. I now peeked around the corner and I know see that the guy had her pressed against the wall, looming over her. She cowered under him, shaking with fear. He released her in frustration when she wasn't looking at him. He raised his fist but before he could strike her I caught his fist.

They both turned deathly pale, I let a dark expression rest on my face as I looked between them before letting a smirk spread to my lips.


Yeji and I decided to sneak out for lunch. We made our way or of the campus from the back alleys. We were basically skipping to the cafe because it's been way too long since our last cup of coffee. We turned on one alley and saw a… Sight?

A girl who was backed into the wall with a boy with his fist raised at her. Just when he was about to strike her a third person emerged from the shadows at lightning speed, catching his fist. I let out a gasp but Yeji clapped a hand over my mouth, I looked at her with wide eyes and she shushed me, motioning for me to squat down. We hid and watched silently.

"Daisy, if you're going to cheat on me at least do better than this." The third guy dropped the other's fist.

"S-Soobin." The Daisy girl stuttered.

Soobin just laughed darkly at her face.

"Don't try it. I now realize that you only care about popularity. If he had hit you you would've still stayed with him right? If he cursed at you, you would still love him right?" He went on, raising an eyebrow at her. Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head at him.

"Really? Then what would have happened if I hadn't stepped in hm?"

"Nothing! I love her too much to hurt her." The guy now spoke up.

"So you were just trying to scare her?"

"Yes, exactly." The guy seemed afraid but when Soobin turned his gaze towards him he was petrified.

I could now see that this Soobin guy was very cute, round face, cute eyes, but behind those cute eyes were something dark and deadly. My heart fluttered.

Soobin let out a dry laugh and looked between them before nodding to himself simply sighing.

"You know what, have an amazing life, who knew a manipulating abuser and a cheater could be such a perfect pair." Then he turned on his heel and marched off calmly, Daisy and the guy were frozen in place, still processing what happened.

Suddenly the girl fell to the floor, bursting out in tears.

The guy punched the wall frustratedly, shouting curses.

I looked at Yeji who was in absolute shock.

"Let's follow him." I whispered to her. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, her eyes asking me why.

"There's no way he's fine, at least see how he is doing." I basically begged.

She stared at me for a second before a smirk crept on her face.

"You like him." She observed.

"Shut up." I elbowed her, we got up and tiptoed away. Going to get our smoothies.

I'm excited today, I got a whole 10 hours of sleep! So here's your chapter a day early 😁

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