Chapter 20: Splurging

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It was the next day at UA High School. Class 1-A was sat in front of their teacher, Aizawa. Some were anxious, others were sad, and some were sure. They all waited to hear the announcement that Aizawa would make about the training camp.

"Kaminari, Mina, Sato, Kirishima, and Sero. You all failed the practical exams." Aizawa pointed out, much to the despair and chagrin of the people who were called.

"However..." Aizawa then put on a weird smile. "All of you are going. That was just a logical ruse to make all of you try your hardest."

Choruses of groans and cheers sounded through the classroom, some happy that they still were allowed to go, and others annoyed with the whole 'logical ruse' fiasco.

"I'm still not excited about this whole 'training camp' thing. I was planning on heading to Paris and eating some croissants in the summer..." Kumo muttered, hands behind her head, which did look quite weird.

"Indeed. I was supposed to take a vacation to Venice with my parents." The two girls sulked together, the others sweatdropping at the blatant flaunting of their richness.

"Well, maybe we could ask Mr. Aizawa if we could use the school pool!" Ochaco suggested, the rest of the girls agreeing. Unfortunately, what they didn't know is that Mineta and Kaminari were eavesdropping.

"And maybe we could go shopping for everything we need as a class! It'd be super fun, and also the first time that we've done anything together!" Hagakure put in, and the people who heard her quickly spread the talk, enabling them to get to everyone in a short period of time.

"So we're going on Saturday, 3:00! Is that okay for you guys? And 3:00 Sunday for us..." Mina shouted before whispering, and most people agreed. Except for Todoroki, who said he was going to visit his mom.

"Aww... Alright, Todorokidoki! Do you want me to pick up any Balenciaga while you're gone? I have plenty of money to spare!" Kumo pouted before springing back up as usual. Todoroki gave a solid, fat no.

He hated her, did you forget?

"Y'know, I wouldn't mind if you bought me a Balenciaga bag..." Ochaco muttered, wanting to be Kumo so she could have enough money for her family.


"TO LOUIS VUITTON!" Kumo shouted before making a break to the nearest expensive store, which was conveniently a Louis Vuitton.

"Hey! Kumo wait! You need to get the required things first!" Momo said, chasing after her. Just after she was going to catch up, she ran into something or someone, and they both toppled to the ground.

"Hey... Are you okay?" Momo's eyes opened to see a boy with black hair that looked a bit like Midoriya's, with matching eyes, although he had a taller frame and seemed braver. Midoriya would probably freak if he met him. "O-oh yeah! I-I'm fine..."

He helped her up before scratching his head. "I've gotta go now..."

"Wait! What's your name?"

He looked back at her before smiling. "Name's Yo Shindo! Pleased to make your acquaintance!" Then he sped off. (Shindo will not be dating Tatami in this AU, simply for plot conveniences and a little bit of comic relief (Get ready for some Rush moments))

"Woah! Hey Yaomomo! Who was that dude? He was super hot." Mina said, coming up from behind her.

"N-no one! I've got to get Kumo. Bye!" Yaoyorozu said before speeding off, causing Mina to harrumph.

"Well... At least we'll get some confirmed drama."


"Hello, mother." Rei Todoroki turned to see her youngest son, scar ever so present. She opened her arms and Shouto accepted them gratefully. They began talking, catching up with each other, as both hadn't seen the other in years. It was blissful, almost. That was until Shouto began talking about the newest addition to their class.

"Her name's Kumo Ashi. She's very annoying, she calls me 'Todorokidoki', she slapped me during the Sports Festival, she has way too many people that are on her side..." And he continued on and on, ranting for the first time in months. And Rei couldn't help but notice that he looked very, very angry.

"Perhaps she's only teasing you because she likes you...?" Rei asked tentatively, careful not to provoke the already angry boy.

"Her? Liking ME?!" Shouto said angrily, the thought already enraging him. "No! Of course not! I hate her, and she's blatantly said that she doesn't like me!"



"I think it's safe to say that we've got all our stuff bought! Kumo said, carrying 8 huge bags in all of her four hands, Momo trailing behind her, looking exhausted.

Sero plucked a strand of hair out of his scalp. Ochaco glanced at him before running up to Kumo, offering to help carry her bags. Momo lingered behind.

"What's wrong?" She asked. The black-haired boy looked hesitant to share his troubles. "I've got a bad feeling that something else is coming..." He ripped out another two strands.

"Huh? Don't worry!" Momo exclaimed, trying to ease the other teen's nerves.

"Yeah yeah..." Sero's hands dropped to his sides, no longer needing to pluck out more strands.

"Oh! That reminds me! I didn't know you had trichotillomania!" Momo said, quite interested. Although the disorder used to be quite common, with the new burst of quirks and other advances, they weren't as much anymore.

"Oh yeah... It's not a big deal anyway..."

"Well of course it-!"

"OH MY GOD!" Kumo suddenly exclaimed, dropping her bags as she ran towards Deku and a hooded stranger.

"That's weird... She would never approach anyone that's on the side of Hope, so why would she do that now..." Momo pondered. Sero, her, and Ochaco seemed to realize at the exact same time who she was after.

"Tomura Shigaraki?!"

L a t e r . . .

"Well, that was anticlimactic..." Sero muttered, quite annoyed how the predicament came to a close.

"Yeah! I can't believe he just walked off like that! So not cool!" Ochaco added, both of them sulking together.

"I, for one, was happy that nobody got hurt."

"Shut up! That's a hopeful way of thinking, and we don't do that here." Tenya said, coming up from behind her, slamming his hand onto Momo's mouth, causing her voice to become muffled.

"Well, that was rude..." Kumo muttered as she picked up her bags again and sauntered off, the AFO: HM kids in toll. Somebody has been watching them though.

Eijirou Kirishima.

And he was suspicious.

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