Chapter 27

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*You guys did it I can't thank you enough over 700 VEIWS AND 120 VOTES!!!! THANK YOU GUYS! ENJOY:)

Lachlan's POV

Andrea gulped "Its-Its our friend Cloud's dad. Cloud ran away scared of her crazy father we don't know where she went. But we have the crazy man here." She said.

"Okay we will be right there" the women said.

Time skip of #merome cause I can

They took him away and he is going to jail. The first though that cross my mind was get Cloud she is free now. Then I realize she is gone....

Mitch's POV

I can't believe she left. But I don't blame her she was scared.

Everyone seems to be taking it okay. We have tryed calling her at least 100 times mostly Lachlan.

Which by the way Lachlan isn't taking the news well at all he sits in his room crying and dosent really come out.

I feel bad for him.

He lost the one he loves.

I'm sad too don't get me wrong but I still have Cat.

And Lachlan was going too.........

Cloud's POV a few days later

"Jen get your fat ass down here" Ash called from downstairs.

"Coming" I called back.

I trotted down the stairs and slightly peeked over to see a familiar figure.

Ohhh shit I though to myself.

It was Lachlan he was tearing up and looking down at his feet.

I could pull this off it though. My light blue tips in my hair were back to their normal color a dirty blonde. I decided to pull a trick from the school days to hide my face.

I pulled the hair that used to be my bangs in front of my eyes just enough.

"Um hey" I said in a quiet voice.

"Jen this is Lachlan, Lachlan this is Jen" Ash said and we shook hands it felt like when I could love him..

Lachlan's POV

The girl named Jen popped out from the stairs. She had dirty blonde hair covering just enough of her face to let me not see.

When I shook her hand something felt weird like how it was with Cloud....

Brush it off Lachlan she is gone for good I thought.

Upside Down and Back Again a craftbattleduty fanficWhere stories live. Discover now