Chapter 2

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* yes there will be some curses here and comment if you want me to blur them out so it doesn't actually say it

Lachlan's POV

  I heard yelling from next-door " NO HOLLY NO YOU CANT EAT THAT!!!!" from a girls voice. Jerome and Mitch exchanged glances that were saying to each other ohhh shit. Them Mitch yelled "CLOUD???" But a few moments later a girl with dirty blonde hair with light blue tips popped her head over the fence. She held up our football and said "Missing Something?" Sarcastically.

Clouds POV

I started climbing the fence between Mitch's backyard and mine and said "Missing Something" to them. I looked at all 3 of their faces with a big grin on my face......... Wait 3 of them?? There was a third guy in Mitch's backyard. He had blonde hair like me and blue eyes. I threw the ball in a decent spiral who caught it and sat it down on the ground. Then I asked "Who's blondy locks over here?" as I climbed on top of the fence and sat down in my usual spot. " Ohh that Lachlan, Little Lachy" Jerome teased. Lachlan rolled his eyes at Jerome. " I'm cloud nice to meet ya" I said. "Nice to meet you to " Lachlan said in what sounded like to be an Australian accent. I looked puzzled at all 3 of them, until Lachlan said " I'm from Australia, here to stay with these guys." " Yeah that's right" Mitch replied. Holly barked. "Hey wanna come over to my place?" I asked. "I just have to put this little pleb puppy inside. "Sure" they said. They went inside to get ready and as I started bringing Holly inside, I felt a strange feeling........Love?...

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