Pokemon I Like - Kanto

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Hallo. This is Roseh. This might be a long chapter. There are 719 Pokemon afterall. Well, I'm gonna list off my favorite Pokemon and why I like them. Note: Most of these will be based on appearance or my own personal experiences. Let's begin. 

Bulbasaur: He's a frog cat plant! And #1 in the Pokedex! Why WOULDN'T you love him? x3

The whole Charmander line: Charmander's cute, and Charmeleon is cool, and Charizard is A DRAGON.

Pikachu and Raichu: They're both strong, cute, and Pikachu's the Pokemon mascot. o3o

Nidorino: I've used a Nidorino before, and I can tell you, it's awesome. >:3

Vulpix and Ninetales: Vulpix is flipping ADORABLE and if Pokemon were real I'd have one as a pet! And also, there's a Vulpix in PMD:IoM :3 And I like Ninetales because it's strong, and majestic, and if you were a Ninetales and you didn't like someone, you could just convince them to hug your tail ;)

Meowth: I like cats. I like cats that talk. I like the anime. Meowth is my favorite character. 'Nuff said.

Growlithe and Arcanine: Growlithe is cute, but not as cute as Vulpix, of course. And Arcanine IS strong, and it IS known as the Legendary Pokemon. :3

Machamp: My friend had a Machop. I made her name it Jefferson. Jefferson evolved into Machamp. Jefferson died in Nuzlocke. RIP Jefferson :( Now whenever I catch a Machop I name it Jefferson in his honor </3 But on a happier note, wouldn't you be happy if you had TWO sets of arms? >:D

Haunter and Gengar: I dunno. I just like 'em. Haunter is cool. Gengar is cool. MEGA Gengar is even cooler >:D


Ditto: He can be any Pokemon.

Eevee: It's CUTE

Vaporeon: It's AWESOME and my fave of the original 3 Eeveelutions (That's why if/when I make the Eeveelution Clans book/series, the first book will focus on VaporClan)

Mewtwo: He's awesome and cool and HE'S FLIPPING MEWTWO

Mew: She's awesome and cool and MADE MEWTWO and she's flipping ADORABLE! Especially in the movie, in the scene where she's messing with the windmill and stuff xD

Wow, this was long. xD I guess I'll have to do another book for Johto Pokemon. Oh well xD See you then

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