My Lame Excuse for Not Liking Whismur

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Okay, so

I never really liked Whismur. I don't like its design, its evolutions, and it just seems... meh. And also, it's unnecessarily sad (Its Pokedex entry talks about it crying all the time). But ever since last Christmas, there has been another reason for disliking it.

So, when I first got Alpha Sapphire, I was looking on Bulbapedia (a fan-made wikipedia for Pokemon) to see if I could get Eevee there. And it said it could be found on Route 106

I was starting out catching every single Pokemon available, but eventually I decided I'd deal with it after the main story. So, when I got to Route 106, and caught almost all the Pokemon available at the time (except one), I remembered what it said. Then I was freaking out like "OMG I'M GONNA GET AN EEVEE YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

But then my friend was all "You don't get Eevee until you get the National Dex. The Pokemon that's left is Whismur."

And I was upset

So I (sadly) caught a Whismur and named it IWantedEevee.

But the funny part was, the Name Rater kept talking about how the name meant GOOD luck for it xD "I hope you treat IWantedEevee with as much care as you put into its name"

You bet your bananas that's exactly what I'd do

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