More BFF Awesomeness

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Sorry I wasn't on Wattpad yesterday. This is basically what happened yesterday:

I went to school, like normal. Except we went on a field trip to a bowling alley :D

Right after school I went to Kat's house :D :D :D

Then I went to le school dance :D

And then when I got home I was tired so I went to bed without going on Wattpad


You all love my friends' quotes, right?

Well, since I spent a whole day with them, I HAVE A BUNCH OF THEM :D



QUOTE ONE (takes place while bowling)

Me: *sitting down, being a derp* *looks up at the board, which says it's my turn* *notices Lucy bowling*

Kat: *notices* Lucy, you are an idiot! xD

(Long story short, Lucy got down eight pins for me, then I took her turn to make it even, I got NO pins, and I reminded Lucy of it for the rest of the game)


QUOTE TWO (takes place at Kat's house)

Kat's sister: Tell them about that one time

Kat: ...She cut off all her hair once

Kat's sister: NU NOT THAT

And then there was Kat burping "YouTube".


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