Tax World

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So, on the way to the amusement park yesterday, Lucy and I were playing Tree World. It's basically a game where you have animals that live in a tree (even if they're not supposed to. Like mammoths and manatees.) and sometimes they give you Tree Food (which is the currency) which you use to grow the tree so you can get more animals.

I compare taking Tree Food from animals to collecting taxes.

So I have a lot of tax-related quotes

Me: How do they even GET the money for taxes?

Lucy: They eat

Me: So they eat... and they poop taxes.

Lucy: Ooh, there's music!

Me: There is?

Lucy: Yeah, here *gives me the phone*

Me: *puts phone to ear* IT SOUNDS LIKE TAXES :D

Me: *collecting animal taxes* ...I now understand King George the Third's motives

Do you play Tree World? :D If so, do you like collecting the Tree Food taxes? :D

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