Chapter Seven

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Vic's POV:

"Tay, where is the group session at?" I asked the short browned-haired girl who had been assigned as my nurse.

"It's just down the hall, but I'll walk you to make sure you don't get lost," she answered my question just the way I wanted her to.

Most of the patients here only want to get out and they don't really want to accept the chances here. I guess I shouldn't say much considering I don't really want to be here either, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to be wandering this place alone. Almost every patient I have met here has always found an excuse to roam the halls alone. I don't know what they could be doing; there is nothing to do. There wouldn't be anything to kill yourself with either. I don't know. I don't understand most of the things that go on in here. I think I'm always going to want Tay guiding me around these halls.

"Alright, lead the way," I replied to Tay, realizing just how long I had been thinking to myself. She smiled softly and started walking down the hall, but looked back to make sure I was following.

She turned left around one corner and another before she stopped in her tracks, "Uh... Vic,"


"We'll be going through the... 'troubled patients' unit right now," She said, almost wearily. Aren't all of us troubled here?

I think she saw the confusion on my face because she finished off her thought, "By troubled I just mean more troubled... Like these patients are a direct danger to either people around them, or themselves."

"Oh... it's fine if we go through, I mean, it can't be that bad, right?" I said unsurely.

"Uhh... yeah," Tay squinted, questioning herself, and started walking through the doorway.

As soon as we walked into the room, there was a drastic change in emotion. The air hung heavy with silence and I was about drowning in the clinical stench that surrounded us. It was deafening. There was no sound, but the enviornment was so uncomfortable and I wanted to get out as I could. I picked up my pace, and Tay caught on and sped up. The farther in we got the worse it was. I could hear screams and cries. It pained me to hear those noises. I felt so on the edge, and I couldn't fix anything. Listening to all of these patients was getting to my head. I thought I was going to burst into the screaming that I heard and cry forever.

"Vic, Vic! It's going to be okay," I heard Tay but I couldn't belive a thing she said. This area was getting into me. Tay grabbed my forearm and tugged me out of the upcoming door. As soon as we were out of that room, the enviornment had adjusted and I felt less like I was bursting into flames.

I sat against the wall an slid to the floor, hugging my knees and started rocking back and forth slowly.

"Sorry, I didn't need to go through there, it's just faster. I'm sorry," Tay tried apologizing, but it didn't really think it was her fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. I was only breaking down because of myself.

I tried pulling myself up, but I just didn't have the strength to. I felt so weak. What was happening with me? I felt so helpless and I couldn't get up, no matter how hard I tried. I started panicking, well I guess even more than I already had been. How was I supposed to stop this? I tried taking deep breaths, but not even that would help. This all happened so sudden, this surge of anxiety. It was all so overwhelming; was I dying? Is this a heart attack?

All too slowly Tay rushed down to my level and started yelling something, but I couldn't hear her for the life of me. Then a bunch of staff came running up to me and lifted me off of the ground and into some sort of gurney, but I couldn't hold still. I felt like I was giving myself bruises and there would no doubt be some kind of contusions left on my body once this ends. I felt like the cameras all around me were seeing this commotion that I was causing because I couldn't calm myself down.

I was pushed quickly to a room which just looked all white from my point of view. Someone had stabbed some sort of a needle into my arm and that was the first sign of me calming down in quite a while.


BAHA I'm hurting my own feels. Don't worry I'll clear all of this gunk up in the next chapter, which should HOPEFULLY be a bit longer, because I now have my own laptop and a bit more time to myself. Thanks for all the reads <3

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