Woo More Hiatus

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Idek if that's how you spell hiatus lmfao.

ANYWAYS. I've been off recently and I haven't updated at all because of, well to be truthful, overloads of homework and schoolwork again. I've been wanting to update and I have the basis for the next few chapters, I just haven't had the time to type it out.

I know you guys will understand, I just feel really bad bc I kinda left it at a pretty bad spot. Lmao I'm a bad person. Anyways, I'm planning on updating, hopefully, tomorrow.

Also I've noticed that I've gained like a bunch of followers in a pretty short amount of time, and that's really cool bc this is like the first actual fanfic I've ever written, and people actually like it enough to follow me. So, thanks guys, it means a lot to this weirdo :')

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