Chapter Five

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Kellin's POV

Woo! Another crap-lunch! That time of day again here at the hospital for hellions. Well, that's the nickname that Vic and I came up with the other day.

We've been hanging out ever since met and I've been super stoked. He seemed happy in my company too, which I thought was amazing. I was getting closer to him and we knew almost everything about each other that any one could know about us (I hope that made sense. Wtf I can't write).

I found out he was bisexual too, but he seemed to question himself. I also found out he loved music too and wrote lyrics sometimes. I guess we have a lot in common, which I think hella rad.

I had just started to get in line when I accidentally bumped into someone, pretty hard.

Shit. Now I have to interact with someone that I don't know.


"I'm so, so sorry!" I half yelled frantically.

"It's okay," he said understandingly, bending down to pick up his empty tray.

Oh thank God I didn't make a mess, "I was gonna ask you if you needed help cleaning up," I laughed half-heartedly, "But I guess you don't need any help picking up a tray."

"Well, I don't know! Trays are pretty messy!" He chuckled sarcastically.

We both laughed for a second before he looked up at me and extended his arm for me to handshake, "I'm Justin, Justin Hills. Well, just call me Justin. Wait why did I even tell you my last name if it doesn't matter? Okay I'm done talking, apparently I didn't wake up with my brain this morning," he said dragging on his sentence in a way that made me laugh.

"It happens to the best of us, Justin, don't worry," I couldn't stop laughing at his clumsiness, "And I'm Kellin Quinn, but just call me Kellin," I mocked the way he worded his sentence jokingly.

"Oh, shut up!" Justin faked a look of hurt and pouted.

"Well anyways, do you want to sit with my friends and I once you get your pig food?" I snorted, looking towards the kitchen area.

"Sure, I don't have like... Any friends here, to be honest," he said shyly.

"That's alright, you can make some new friends," I smiled kindly with a friendly chuckle.


"This is Justin," I said gesturing towards my new friend for my other friends to see.

"Hello Justin!" They all chimed at the same time, it was kind of funny.

"This is Jack, Alex and Vic," I told Justin as I pointed at each of the already seated and sat my tray down next to Vic, who was sitting across from Jack and Alex. Justin plopped down next to me and greeted the others.

We all went off into casual small-talk for the rest of the time we were eating, talking about whatever came to mind and learning about Justin. I made a friend from my stupidity. That's kind of odd, don't you think? Who am I talking to? Of course I think it's odd. It's actually pretty odd.

Talking to myself again. Just another stupid habit of mine.


Vic's POV

The new Justin kid seemed cool enough. He was really skinny though, holy damn. Well, Kellin was too... and Jack. Alex is pretty thin too. What the hell? Why are my friends all so skinny? I guess I'm just the muscles of our stupid little group.

"What about our stupid group and you're muscles?" Alex asked, very confused. I could see why; everyone else was in the middle of arguing over Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.

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