Chapter Eleven

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« Kellin's POV »

"I've been waiting for so long to do that." I looked down at our intertwined hands, and felt a blush coming over my pale face. I'm not very good with these kinds of mushy-gushy things, if you couldn't tell. I mean, the closest thing I've ever had to a crush was Billy Joe Armstrong, he was like my first celebrity crush and I obsessed over him and Green Day for like four years.

"Me too." Vic said in the sweetest voice that just drove me crazy.

"I like you a lot." I said softly.

"I do too." Vic looked at me as the fell from his perfect lips,"So does that mean we're like a thing now?"

"I guess, but only if you want to be a thing." I said, not wanting to rush anything.

"Well, I want to be a thing so I guess I'll just go ahead. Kellin, would you be my boyfriend?" Vic looked me in the eyes and embraced me.

"Yes, I'd love to be Vic Fuentes' boyfriend." I felt like we were getting married or something, ha, I wish we were.

Vic pulled me in for another kiss and lifted me up on top of him. Our lips moved in sync and everything felt right. I would never be able to get over the way he feels, and how amazing his kisses are. I moved my hand through his soft, brown hair as if it would be taken away from me in an instant- as if he would be taken away from me at any moment. I pushed him down to where he was lying on the grass on his back, me on top of him, but I kept kissing him until he pushed me away.

"Woah there, eager." He chuckled a bit, then looked into my eyes deeply.

"What?" I asked.

"As soon as we're actually together, you already show a lot of affection. It's just really cute, is all." He explained.

"I guess it's just coz you're amazing and I can't keep my hands off of you." I let the words fall out, I didn't have to hide all of these feelings from Vic anymore, I could be myself.

Vic let out a small giggle, then looked into my eyes again. I fucking adore his warm, brown eyes. They remind me of home; well, more like my dream home, where everyone is loving and there is no abuse, and no yelling. A real home. A real family. Vic makes me feel like I will always be loved, like I'll always be okay. Vic gives me the warmth I've always wanted in a family. Vic gives me the feeling I haven't genuinely had for over thirteen years- safe. Vic makes me feel truly safe.

Vic let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes. I don't know if he was going to say something or not, but he opened then closed his mouth.

I rolled over to where my head was on his chest, my body horizontal from his. I began taking in all of my surroundings, the steady rise and fall of Vic's chest, the warmth of his breath as he exhaled, the way he ran his fingers through my hair so gently. I was so glad that this tree that we're sitting under blocks out all eyes with its leaves. It makes me feel so amazing that I can be alone with Vic. The only thing that would make this better would be if we were't in a fucking hospital form emos who hate themselves.

Vic sighed again, but said something this time.

"I think I have panic disorder." He said, barely audible.

"How come? Does it have anything to do with the anxiety attack thingy?" I questioned where he was coming from.

"Honestly, yeah. I'm remembering things from when I was a young boy, things that have been pushed out of my mind for the last twelve years. And I'm just so afraid." Vic sighed the words out like they were nothing, but his eyes told a completely different story.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I don't want to push him if it makes him uncomfortable, but if Vic was trying to vent to me in some way, I sure as hell don't want to block him out.

"Sure." He looked at me and I nodded, silently telling him to begin.

"Okay, so earlier when I went to the appointment thing with Gerard, he said I might have anxiety and, or, panic disorder. Then he asked me if anything like this had happened in the past. I said I didn't know, because truthfully, I didn't, but I've been dwelling on it ever since I left his office, and I'm starting to remember back when I was like three, or four, or five. I remember feeling the way I did when I had my panic thingy when I was that little. I remember taking pills, and feeling a little bit better afterward, but the pills were only if it was really bad. But I think the worst part is that I remember my mom and dad fighting about weather or not I should be diagnosed."

We sat in silence for a moment while I thought of something to say.

"I honestly don't know what to tell you other than it's going to be okay, and you will always be perfect to me. I don't care how many disorders you have, you are the best person I've met, and you're flaws are part of what make you, well, you. I know it's really cheesy, but honestly, I'd rather you have a bit of imperfections that aren't afraid to show themselves, than for you to be hiding away a part of you all the time." I tried my best to comfort Vic, because all I really needed was for him to calm down. I didn't want him to freak out and have another panic attack.

"Thank you. Thank you so, so much." He caressed my face and pulled me over to him so that he could place a bunch of little kisses on my forehead.

"It's not a problem Vic, I'm always going to care for you. I promise." I cuddled into him and let his heat radiate to me.

I felt so warm and perfect right there, but a quick gasp quickly changed my mood from peaceful to scared. Please don't let it be a fucking nurse. Please don't let it be a fucking nurse.

I turned my heat to see a short, brown haired girl in a nurses outfit holding leaves away from her face and the rest of her.

"Oh thank god it's just you, Tay." Vic seemed so relieved, but I wasn't quite there yet. How could he think for sure that this nurse wasn't going to tell the others about this?

"Um, yeah, I was... I was just coming to say that it's almost time for snack and we should go inside." She looked a little embarrassed, but I mean, who wouldn't be? Both Vic and I non-doubtingly were too.

"Okay, thanks. We'll be right in." Vic said, a bit impatiently, although I understood where he was coming from.

Tay left from the tree, and left Vic and I there alone again. Vic just pulled me into his chest and smelled my hair, quite obviously. Maybe most people would think that it was weird to have someone smell your hair, but I honestly found it quite cute.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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