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Mike's POV

How far could this hospital be? I've been driving for half an our already after I had heard what happened to Vic.

Why would he do that? He just told me he was five months clean and he was so excited. Why would he do it again?

"There it is," I mumbled to myself as I saw the hospital. Quickly, I drove into the parking lot and chose the space closest as I could get to the building. I ran in to the registry and got my name tag, then ran to the elevator to get to Vic's room.

Vic's POV

I woke up to bright lights in my eyes and a skeptical doctor staring at me, occasionally flicking his eyes towards my arm.
My... arm. My wrist.

"Good! You're awake!" The doctor said with false emotion.

I grumbled something stupid like "yeah" and rolled over.

"Do you, uh, remember? Do you remember what happened?" The doctor said, clearly going to tell me even if I said I knew.

"N-no..." I humored the man and glanced down at my cut arm.

"Well," he said like the knew everything,"You were self harming and you passed out from blood loss," he said the words "self harm" with such descust.

"Oh," I averted my eyes and looked at my cold feet. Just as I went to cover my feet I realized that none of my family was there. I was right. They don't care. no one ever does.

I was forced to hold back tears of loneliness when the doctor was telling me that I had to go to a therapy program because this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Then he told me where the place was; a hospital "specialized for people like me", as he put it.
I still can't believe no one came for me.

The doctor left the room and I drifted off into a light sleep.


"Vic!" Mike ran into the room and woke me up almost immediately,"Vic! You're okay!"

"You could say that..." I responded, glaring at my arm.

"Well, you're alive" he tried being supportive.

"Not like anyone cares" I mumbled.

"Victor!" Ew. My name,"I care! I'm your brother, and I care! Mama cares! Papa ca-" I interrupted him then.

"No, Mike! Papa doesn't care! He was the last straw! Him and his damned alcohol, a-and Mom with her quietness! You don't care either Mike! You're always high!"

He sat quiet for a minute, thinking.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean that," I said truthfully.

"No, you're right. Nobody in our fucking household can stay sober, or clean. Except for Mom, but she can't speak what's on her mind, ever." then he paused," And... I'm sorry. I can't stay sober either, and I'm not helping with the family drama," he finished.

"I forgive you... It's not your fault," I began, but he cut me off.

"It really is, I don't have to be so... You know," he said.

"Yeah, I know," I said quietly,"But, this... This is not your fault," I added, glaring at my arm.

He was thinking of what I say and he opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but he closed it and came down and hugged me.

"Vic, I could stand it when I found out you were in the hospital from cutting too deep, and I know that I couldn't go on living if you died. You're my brother, the only one that has been there for me when no one else was. You didn't care if I was drunk, o-or high or just being stupid! You were always there for me, a-and I couldn't lose you so soon! You're the best friend I've ever had, and I don't think I tell you enough, but I love you, man!" He was crying by now and could continue.
What? Mike crying? What?

And I realized I was crying too. Someone does care! How?

"I love you too, little brother!" I sobbed out.

That's when the doctor walked in and told Mike I had to go to the "program" and asked if he was my guardian because some one needed to sign. Mike explained that he was my brother and gave the doctor our mom's phone number. Then he walked back over to me.

"I'm sorry for breaking down like that," Mike said like he was disappointed in himself.

"What? Why? H-how?" My words failed me,"Why are you sorry? I'm your brother,"

"I know, that's why. I'm not supposed to act like a baby in front of my brother," he shoved my shoulder.

"Well that's too bad, then because you're always a baby," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Waaahh, waaahhh!" He mimicked,"Anyways, you should get some sleep. You look like a zombie," he added.

"Yeah, I guess so," I agreed and he tucked me in like the mama's boy he is. I said something about it too, but I couldn't remember much before I fell back asleep.

A/N: I think I'm done for today. in know the chapter didn't really go far, and I still haven't introduced Kellin... but he will come soon XD
Kellin 😏

Our Arms Intertwined (Kellic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz