Chapter Eight

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Vic's POV:

"Yeah, I guess that'd be fine. Just make sure to tell his group therapy counselor, I believe it's my brother, where he was and what's going on." I heard a faint voice speak as I was slowly regaining my composure and realizing that I was in some sort of bed.

"Of course," I heard Tay's small voice, then footsteps out of this room and a door open and close.

I slowly opened my eyes to see white lights and a sterile environment around me and my bed. Well shit. Back in the hospital bed.

My vision adjusted to the brightness of the room and I looked at the doctor who was scribbling something on his clipboard. The man looked down at me and smiled genuinly seeing that I had awoken.

"Goodmorning, sleepyhead!" The strange doctor with red hair said.

What the hell was going on here? I grumbled a small 'hey' and looked at him expectantly.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm Dr. Way, Dr. Gerard Way, but honestly I'd like it if you just call me Gerard or Dr. Gerard. I don't really like it when people adress me by my last name," He said with a bit of enthusiasm.

"Neither do I," I laughed, not realizing I just opened up to a complete stranger, but he seemed cool enough.

"I think it's pretty common to not like being called by your last name, it connects you to different people, but you're not different people; you're yourself." Gerard said with an unrecognizable tone.

"So theoretical, gosh," I chuckled out sarcastically.

"Well it's true," he said a bit cockily, "But anyways, I have some stuff to talk to you about what just happened, if you remember,"

Oh yeah, that. The worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. That.

"Yeah... what really was that?" I asked Gerard.

"Well, it could be a few things, but I know that if you would explain to me what was going on in your head when it happened, well I know that I could eliminate the about thirteen of the fourteen options that it could be" He said, changing his attitude into one of seriousness.

"I...uhh... well," I didn't really know where to start.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I'd understand completely,"

"No, no, it's not that, I just don't know how to explain it," I said, then he looked down and, what looked like, crossed a few of the options off. We're getting somewhere.

"Okay, well, I guess just tell me when it started. I know you were in the Violence Unit, and then you started, like, freaking out, but other than that I don't really know what went on." Gerard said with a hint of sass in his voice. I guess I know what that place is really called now.

"Alright, well the place was all just so dreadfull and it was so... well, just... horrible. The patients screaming and the mood of the entire place was just... ick." I couldn't really muster up words to describe how horrible it felt in there.

"Yeah, that unit is probably the worst place I could imagine," Gerard agreed and crossed off a few more of the options of what might be going on with me, "Well, now I know that it didn't just happen for nothing and that you had a reason behind your little attack, but I'd now like to know what was going on in your head," he finished up.

I paused for a second before speaking up, thinking about it, "I guess I just felt very panicked. I couldn't control myself and I felt so empty. I couldn't even control my own body and it was quite terrifying. My mind was clustered up with a large handful of every fear you could think of, but it was blank at the same time. I didn't know what to do with myself, and I felt really helpless." I told Gerard everything that came to mind as soon as it did.

The tallish man was taking notes as I spoke and crossed out many more of the options.

"Well," he started, "That would leave it between a simple anxiety attack that won't happen again, or very rarely... or you, more likely, have full on anxiety and panic disorder. I'd like to know if this has ever happened to you before." the doctor stood still, almost analyzing me.

"I don't think it's ever happened before, but I don't really know... well, it may have happened before," I said. Had I had one of these things, anxiety attacks, ever before? I don't think so.

"I'll get someone to call your parents in to see if they have any records of earlier signs of panic disorder," I almost objected, but I realized I didn't have a reason that could really stop him from acting. I think he was just honestly helping, so I didn't want to stop Gerard.

"And, by the way, you know you have an assigned nurse, you also have an assigned doctor. I'm your doctor," Gerard said with so much enthusiasm i thought he might explode.

"Cool, cool," I said, trying to act normal.

"Oh, the other doctors around here have noticed that you're making some friends, which is always a good thing. One of your friends also has me as their assigned doctor," He said, with a definate hint of sass in his voice, urging me to fish from him who was his patient.

"Who?" I asked, going along with it.

"Kellin," he smiled brightly and signed a slip basically saying I could leave. He handed it to me and looked to the door, silently telling me to leave when another doctor walked in, I think it was Dr. Iero.

I got out of the bed and walked out of the room to see Tay waiting outside for me. She put on a smile when I came out of the doors and asked me where I wanted to go. I honestly didn't know, but I was a bit hungry.

"Uhh... the cafeteria...?" I said quietly.

"Alright, that's great because it's supper time right now. If you weren't hungry I would have let you go back to your room because of what you just went through, you might just feel really queasy. I probably would be, that's for sure." She made an attempt at small talk and laughed, keeping the mood light. I was thankful for it.

"So did you learn anything interesting while talking to Gerard? He's an interesting guy, isn't he?" Tay continued her pursuit at small talk, but I didn't mind.

"Yeah, he's cool. He doesn't seem as strict as some of the other doctors I've seen around. And he told me that Kellin is one of his patients too, and he also told me that the doctors had seen I've been making some friends. It's honestly kind of weird. Like, are they just stalking the new patients, or what?" I chuckled, but half meant my question.

"Yeah, it is pretty odd. I've never really agreed with it, honestly, but hey, rules are rules. The doctors only do it for your safety." Tay smiled sweetly and lead me into the cafeteria where I saw immediately saw Kellin, Jack, Alex and Justin.

"I'll leave you to it," Tay said to me, gesturing towards my friends; I had told her about them so that she knew I was making some friends.

"Thanks," I said humbly and she walked off, leaving me to get in line and pick up some food.

I wasn't really in the mood for anything fancy, so I just got some soup and went back to the table where the group was waiting for me.

"Hey," Kellin said softly and smiled at me. 

"Hey," I said back.

"Are you okay?" He said.

"Yeah, why?" What was going on?

"Well, like... we heard you had some sort of panic attack. It's been spreading around everywhere. It's been the hot topic for the last few hours." He replied.

I felt like I had just been thrown off of a cliff. How did anyone find out. No wonder everyone was staring at me. Why would someone tell people about this? Now I'm going to be at the center of attention. Oh God. People are going to be asking all about this in our next group therapy meeting. Fuck.

"I'll tell you later." I stated bluntly, and Kellin left it at that. The group went back into conversation and we all finished our food.

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