Victors Village

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As I ,Katniss Everdeen, walk to Victors Village, I see all of the District 12 citizens. Starving. Homeless. I look down because I can't stand the sight of them all like this in this horrible world ruled by President Snow.

As I walk into Victors Village , I see buttercup. He hisses at me but I didn't care. I walk into Haymitchs house and see him lying there on the table lifeless with a bottle of alcohol in his hands dripping onto the table.

I look at Haymitch in a strange way and pick up the bottle of water on the table and pour it on him. He jumps up out of his seat roaring like a lion with a knife in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Said haymitch with a knife in his hand.

I grab him by the neck and sit him down and told him to Shut up.

Peeta walks in and says ," The cameras are gonna be hear in 30 minutes. Now hurry up."

Haymitch looks over at me drinking and says," I already am half ready since the princess just gave me a shower."

I just laughed.

I walk over back to my house and See my mom sitting there with my sister ,Prim, on the couch when I smell the garlic bread mom made. I run to the bathroom as fast as I can and throw up everything I had in the last year. Prim rushed over and soothes me as she rubbs my back. Mom comes over and holds my hair back.

When I was done I sat down on the cold tile floor with my head in the hands. Mom sits down beside me and asks me,"What's wrong?"

"I've been throwing up ,having fevers ,and feeling dizzy for the past month.'

I said about to throw up what I ate for lunch.

Mom and Prim look at each other and say," Oh Katniss! You're p-pregnant!"

I look over at Mom when I hear Snow walks in the living room. I jump up immediately and says," Snow what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to the girl on fire ....alone!"

I sit down on the couch he sits in front of me and tells me," Katniss you have been in the process of forming a rebellion. You need to act in front of the cameras as you love Peeta. Make it happen or I will take everything that you desire most....your family."

I say," I do love Peeta and I wouldn't have to act.

" I don't believe what you are saying make me believe that your love for him is true," he then walks outside of the house.

Peeta walks in seconds later and says ," Katniss! I heard Snow came to see you. Are you alright?"

I look down at my stomach and say," I am fine."

Peeta walks over to me when my mom and Prim walk up to me too. They look at me and say," Do you want us to tell him?" I shake my head.

"Peeta, I'm pregnant."

Peeta looks at me happily and smiles. I smile back at him. He picks me up and says ," I love you and our baby!"


The cameras are ready and Effie,Cinna,Portia,Flavius,Venia,and Octavia walk in. They all hug me and I tell them the good news. They all congratulate me and then get me ready for the cameras. I walk outside of my house when I hear Ceasear Flickerman speak," And there she is the girl on fire!" "And here comes Peeta the bakers boy!"

I walk up to Peeta and he kisses me on the lips and I kiss his back. We both then turn to the cameras and Ceasear talks to us and asks Peeta ," How's it going in District 12?"

"Its been great and we have very good news to!"

I punch in the the back and shake my head.

"Well let's here it Peeta."

"We are now married and we are gonna live together in Victors Village."

Cesear says," Well I congratulate you and gookluck on the victory tour."

The cameras turn off and Peeta asked," Why couldn't I tell him?"

"We don't need Snow to know or else he will throw us both back into the arena to watch us and our baby die."

Peeta nods then gets down on one knee and kisses my stomach and whispers ," I will do anything to keep you and your mommy alive."

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