The Plan

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Beetee calls for us to come over to him. I jump up and waddle over to him with my 8 month stomach in front of me. We all stand around him. He says," We need to go to the tree that lightning hits at night,and tie a coil wire to the tree then run the coil to the beach ,so when the other tributes come out to the beach anybody on the sand or water will be electrocuted.

We agree but while Peeta and I are sitting on the beach talking I say, " When all the other tributes are dead , someone is gonna have to take the first swing." Peeta nods and says," I know but we will leave when we take to coil to the beach. Okay?" I nod. Beetee ,Johanna,Finnick,Peeta,and I all walk to the tree. Beetee is working on the coil on the tree he then tells Johanna and I to take the coil to the beach, but Peeta and I look at each other. Peeta asks strongly," Why can't I take her?"

"Because you need to keep me alive for the next 2 hours," says Beetee.

Peeta brings me up close and says," See you at Midnight."

Johanna and I walk off the beach we are walking down a path cover with boulders. We see a cave in the cliff beside the path. As we walk by the cave, my hands move to my stomach and I scream," Owwwww!!!!" Johanna drops the coil and runs over to me. Johanna drags me into the cave while I am screaming my head off. She asks," What's wrong ,Katniss?" I shrug my shoulders and say," I don't know but it hurts!" Johanna looks down at my pants and it turns out my water broke.

Johanna hears someone coming so she takes a knife and cuts my tracker out of my arm and destroys it. She runs off the draw Enobaria and Brutus in a different direction. I am lying there in the cave by myself. I get up and try and walk back to the tree. I hear the Canon goes off when I see Brutus's picture in the sky.

I get to the tree and see Beetee lying on the ground shaking. He got electrocuted. I hear someone coming so I grab my bow and arrow and hide behind the bushes ready to shoot. The baby kicks as soon as I sit down. Finnick comes out from the forest. I am ready to shoot. When Finnick says,"Remeber who the real enemy is."

I lower my bow and see that the sky is forming a storm. I get a piece of the coil and tie it around my arrow head and the lightning hits the tree and runs through the coil. I shoot the arrow at the sky of the arena.

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