Snow's Announcement

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I sit down on the couch with Prim and Mom as I rub my stomach now 5 months. I think I can't wait till this baby is born. I will be a mother ,Peeta will be a father ,and we will be a family.

The panel seal then pops onto the projector and then disappears. Snow is standing at the podium when a little boy about Prims age comes and brings Snow a red letter. Snow read:

"Just a reminder not even the strongest can overcome the Capitol. Introducing the 75th Annual Hunger Games also known as the 3rd Quarter Quell will be different than any other quell. The tributes shall be reaped from the remaining pool of victors."

Mom screams and Prims asked me," What's going on Katniss?" I look down at my stomach and then get up and run outside the house across the gravel road to Peetas House. Peeta is standing there at the door with a pool of tears in his eyes. I jump into his arms and he wraps his around mine and we stand there crying in the doorway. I ask him as I hold my stomach," What are we gonna do?"

Peeta shakes his head," I don't know ,Katniss, I am so sorry." He asks me if I want to come in. I nod. We both go sit on the couch with him arms wrapped around my stomach. The baby kicks again. Peeta smiles and says," What was that?!" I say ," Its our baby Girl. She loves us already." Peeta smiles even bigger and says," I love you Katniss and I think we should name the baby." I say back," I love you too and I agree." We sit down thinking on what we should name our child when the name Willow comes into my head. I say," Willow!" Peeta rubbs my stomach and says ," Its perfect! I love you little Willow and your mommy." I smile at Peeta and give him a kiss. Then I fall asleep in his arms and the last words I hear are "I Love You Already!"

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