Tribute Parade

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I am walking out to the chariots that I wl will ride with Peeta in the tribute parade. There he is. Finnick Odair walks up to me as I pet the horse.

"Want a sugar cube? I mean there for the horses but what good does that do them." Says Finnick.

"No thank you."

"What happened to all the little girl dresses?"

I look at him angrily and say ," I outgrew them."

"And so you shall."

"So how do you play for the pleasure of your company?" I say.

"With secrets. And secrets worth my time. Like the thing your trying to hide from everyone. The miracle growing inside of you," He whispers.

"Well as you can see everyone seems to know my secrets before I know them myself."

Finnicks nods and walks away just as Peeta is walking with Cinna over to the chariot.

"What did he want?"

"To know all my secrets."

"Well he will have to get in line."

I smile at him. Peeta helps me onto the chariot and then hops on with me. Cinna walk over to me and give me a button. He says press it when your ready. I nod and then the chariots start to move. Cinna really did a good job hiding my bump you can't see it. We see all the stands are full of citizens of the Capitol.

I look up and see Snow. He is looking at me like the girl on fire is dying out. So I press the button Cinna gave me and dress lights up on fire then spreads onto Peeta. Snow smiles and then we turn back around and go back to the place were we started.

Haymitch motions for Peeta and I to go to him standing by the district 11 tributes. Haymitch says," This is Seeded and Chaff. District 11."

Chaff reaches over for me and specks me on the lips. I move back in astonishment and look at him like he is crazy. Haymitch laughs then tells us we need to go back to the penthouse.

Haymitch walks Peeta and I to the elevator. As we get in a tribute from another district walks in. I look at her and she looks back and says well don't you guys look great. I say ," Thank you."

She says," I wasn't talking to you."

The tribute starts saying,"my district is number 7. Lumber. Trees. My stylist doesn't know what she is doing I would love to put my axe in her face."

She looks over and Peeta and moves her hair from her back to her chest and asks," Unzip." Peeta nods and I look at him in a mad way. He unzips her clothes and she takes them off and looks at us while she is naked and winks at Haymitch. The elevator doors open at the seventh floor and she gets out. Haymitch and Peeta are still smiling when Haymitch says ," Johanna Mason. District 7."

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