Diaster Hour

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We all go to sleep. I take first watch. I sit on a tree stump,rubbing my stomach while talking to my daughter when I see a misty fog heading out way. I reach out and touch it when I scream. My hand bubbles up and I scream," Run! The fog is poison!" Peeta takes my hand and runs with me as fast as we can to a safe place while Finnick and Mags are behind us.(Mags is on Finnicks back) We are running when the fog is catching up on us, we are all covered in poison bubbles. Peeta faints. Mags kisses Finnick on the lips then walks off into the fog. Peeta is put on mine and finnicks back. We fall down a long steep hill. I cover my stomach with my hands hoping not to lose my baby. When we get to the bottom, Finnick and Peeta are lying down shaking. I watch the fog come on us when it stops and forms a big wall. The fog disappears then I fell so happy. I get inside the tiny lake of water when all the poison leaves my body. I drag Peeta and Finnick into the water and hold them down. The poison is gone.

We all smile when we hear animals above us in the branches. Peeta looks around when he sees a monkey jump out at me. He holds the monkey back and stabs it with one of my arrows. The other mutts start swarming in on us. I shoot 5 in the chest with my arrows and Finnick stabs 3 with his trident. One jumps on me but I hold it back with all my strength when it stops fighting I throw it of me and grab Peeta he motions me to run to the beach just yards away. I run with Peeta. I make it to the beach when a monkey almost jumps on Peeta. But someone jumps in front of him. Peeta takes the girl to the water and lays her there waiting for the hover craft to come. Finnick gets out of the jungle and we all sit on the beach. Glad we are all alive.

Johanna , Beetee, and Wiress come out from the forest covered in blood. I clean them all up. We go to the cornucopia to check for weapons and food. I take a new batch of arrows when I hear a cannon go off. I turn around to see Wiress with a knife in her chest stabbed by Gloss. Her last words were Tick Tock. I shoot Gloss with an arrow and Cashmere then comes out for me when Johanna jumps in front of me and hits her with her axe. Cashmere falls to the ground. Everyone is standing on the cornucopia when we see Enobaria and Brutus at the tree line they then run back into the jungle. The cornucopia starts spinning when Cashmere falls off like a rag doll. Johanna holds onto me when I am just feet away from death. My hand slips and I fall into the water. I spin for about 20 seconds when it stops spinning.

Johanna comes up and takes me out of the water. Coughing up water. Legs bleeding. Johanna sits me up the right way and asks," Is your baby okay?" I shrug my shoulders. Peeta , Beetee, Finnick ,Johanna,and I all go and sit on the beach. Johanna comes over and holds my stomach. I lay down on my back thinking. I might have just lost my baby,Willow. I cover my face with my hands and cry. When suddenly I feel something in my stomach. I sit up right and smile. I lay my hand on my swollen stomach and smile saying," She is okay!" Peeta smiles and comes over to me and kisses my stomach saying ," I love you Willow. " Johanna comes over and asks ," Can I ?" I nod. She puts her hand on my stomach and Willow kicks immediately. Johanna jerks her hand away and Says," That is weird." I laugh.

"You better be careful ,Katniss , You don't want to lose your baby mockingjay," says Beetee.

I smile and rub my stomach thinking. I still have her. I didn't lose her. She is still mine. Growing in me. Heathly. I could not be any happier.

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