Let the Games Begin

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I am sitting on the side of my bed rubbing my stomach thinking. My baby will never be born , never find love. Peeta walks in on me rubbing my stomach. He comes over and says," Katniss you do know that I will do anything to keep You and Willow alive." I nod. He hugs me when Effie comes in and takes me away to the dressing room. I walk with Effie to the dressing room and at the door she hugs me and says," Keep that baby safe. Okay?"


Cinna opens the door and says," Lets get you ready Girl on Fire."

I walk in and he puts on this tight,thin,smooth clothing. He says it must be desert or tropics. He pulls down my sleeve and puts the mockingjay pin under the sleeve and covers it up. I mouth," Thank you."

He hugs me and a deep voice says," 10 seconds to get into the tube." I walk into the tube and turn around and I see two peacekeepers beating Cinna. I am screaming trying to break the glass,but I couldn't it was too thick. The tube starts bringing me up and I hold my stomach as I am going up.

I see a bright light. The sun. My vision is blurry then it clears up. I am surrounded by jungles ,water ,and 22 other tributes wanting to kill me. The baby kicks immediately and Cashmere looks at me and smiles. I look at her and she turns back to look at the cornucopia. The gun goes off. I jump into the water swimming as fast as I can to the cornucopia. I get on the side the rock sitting in the the middle of the water. I run down the strip of rock while Brutus is behind me. I get to a bow and some arrows. I shoot a man from district 9 in the leg and he falls into the water. I hear someone behind me. Finnick. He shows me his golden bracelet. It was Haymitchs. It was a sign to trust him. He says," Duck."I get down and cover my head. Finnick throws his trident to a man from District 10. He tells me to follow him to go find Peeta. Mags finds Peeta in the water fighting a man from district 5. They go under when I hear a cannon go off. I was about to jump in but Gimmick tells me to keep the baby safe ,so he jumps in instead. Peeta resurfaces and looks at me. I smile at him and help him out of the water.

We run into the jungle with Peeta in the lead. Peeta walks with his knife in his hand cutting the green leafs for us to make a path. He hits a force field. I scream and hear for his heart beat. I hear nothing. Finnick pushes me over and I pull out my bow when I see Finnick saving Peeta. Peeta then wakes up and I kiss him asking if he is okay. He nods. We both stand up and he says," I told you I would never leave you and Willow alone."

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