Haymitch's House

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I walk into Haymitch's house right after I came out of Peeta's House. I see Haymitch sitting there with a drink in his hand. He looks at Me and asks me,"Why are you here?"

"To ask you for a favor."

"Anything Princess," says Haymitch.

"I want you to protect Peeta in the arena not me. I know I am pregnant but he needs to live if the Capitol wants me dead let that be. I want you to help him like you did for me in the arena."

"Okay. I will volunteer if Peetas name is drawn, but if my name is drawn and Peeta volunteers there is nothing I can do."

"Thanks ,Haymitch."

I walk outside back to my house afterwards and see Prim and Mom sitting in there. Mom's face is red forming crying but Prim still doesn't know what's happening. I walk up to Prim and Mom and say ," I will tell Prim about what is happening okay?"  Mom nods and I take Prim into my room. We walk down the hallway, and we enter my room.

I tell Prim to sit down on the bed. I sit on the bed beside her. Prim looks at me worried and says," Katniss? W-what's happening?"

"You know how Snow said 'the tributes will be reaped from the existing pool of victors'"

She nods and I tell her," I am the only female tribute." I move my hands from the bed to my stomach and say," Me and this baby will be going into the Games and I can't do anything about it. Just remember me and this baby love you very much. Okay?"

Prim nods. I see her eyes fill with water then her chin starts shivering. Then she starts crying so hard. I pull her in and hug her telling her everything is gonna be okay when she pulls back and rubbs my swollen stomach saying ," I love you so much and don't forget that!"

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