Reaping Day

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I wake up in Peeta's arms. He says," Good Morning Katniss. How is Willow doing."

I touch my stomach and say," She's fine." I get up and put on my clothes that I need to wear for the Reaping. I can't wear anything to cover up my 5 month pregnant self ,so I just dressed up in blue jeans and a red and black plad t-shirt.

Two peacekeepers come up to my door to take me to the justice building where the Reaping would take place.

When I walk outside my house I see that two peacekeepers at Peetas house and two at Haymitch's house. The 6 peacekeepers form a box around us three. Haymitch is the the front,Peeta following ,and then me in the back. We walk from there all the way to The Justice building. My feet are killing me from all the walking. I am walking down the aisle between the two separate pieces of the district 12 citizens. I see Effie Trinket standing on the stage behind a microphone, and beside her is the female bowl with one piece of paper in it and the male bowl with two pieces of paper.

I walk up to the stage and stand by the female bowl and Peeta and Haymitch stand by the male bowl. Nobody noticed that I was pregnant because the plad shirt was so big it cover it mostly. My mom ,Prim ,and Gale are standing there looking at me. Mom looks like she is about to cry but holds it back. Prim is looking at me and smiles and says I love you. Gale isn't even looking at me. He must have heard I was pregnant with Peeta's baby.

Effie said sadly ," Welcome to the Reaping of District 12. As always ladies first." She walks over to the bowl in front of me and grabs the one piece of paper and glancing at me and mouths ' I am so sorry'. She walks back to the microphone and says ," and the female tribute for the seventy fifth annual Hunger games is Katniss Mellark." I let one year roll down my face as I walk over beside Effie. She then walks over to the male bowl in front of Peeta and Haymitch. She looks in the bowl and grabs the one piece of paper that is sticking up. She walks back to the microphone and says," and the male tribute for the seventy fifth annual Hunger games is H-haymitch Abernathy." My eyes open wide and I look at Effie thinking she must have mistaken what she said.

" I voulenteer as tribute," Says Peeta.

Haymitch grabs Peetas arm as he walks off and Says,"don't please ."

"You can't stop me" Peeta says as he jerks away and walks over to Effie.

Effie looks at Peeta then to me and says ," And these are your tributes for the 75th Annual Hunger games." The peacekeepers then quickly take me and Peeta to the train.

I scream," we have to say goodbye."

Prim looks over at me and screams,"Katniss," I  look at the peacekeepers and say ," Please can I just say,"goodbye." The peacekeepers say ,"okay but only 3 minutes." I go into a room where my mom and Prim are standing in the room and Peetas family was on the other side of the room. I run up to mom and say ," Mom I'm so sorry I love you so much." Mom looks and me and says," You don't need to be running with that baby on the way." I smile and say," okay." 

Prim runs up to me and says ," Katniss please don't go I want you to stay." I hug her and tell her," I will be okay. "  She touches my stomach and says," I might not be able to meet you but just incase I don't I want to say I love you."

The peacekeepers come and take Peeta and I away. Prim is screaming but Mom holding her back. I am walking beside Peeta when we get on the train and we were on our way to The Capitol.

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