Baby Time

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The arena falls to pieces. I lay on the ground with my hand on my stomach when I scream. A hovercraft comes over and picks me up. I am lifted into the hovercraft but put on the floor instantly with a mask on my face to keep me breathing from all the smoke I breathed in. I get up from off the floor and walk up to the door with a syringe in my hand. The doors open. Plutarch,Haymitch ,and Finnick are standing around a table. I look at Haymitch and instantly ask,"Where's Peeta?" Haymitch says,"Katniss, He is in the capitol. Snow had him."

I jump up on Haymitch with the syringe about to stab him when we takes the syringe out of my hand faster than lightning. I start screaming," Haymitch! You told me you would save him! Not me! You're a lier!" Plutarch is about to put me to sleep with a shot when my hands fly to my stomach and I scream," Owwwww! It's happening!"

Haymitch and Finnick run over to me and say," We need to get you to a private room!" Haymitch carries me in his arms to a private room in the back of the hovercraft. There is a bed in the middle of the room with a table beside it. Haymitch lays me on the bed and sits me up right. He tells me to change into a dress. He gives me a white dress with willow flowers all over it. I change into it quickly, and get back into bed. Finnick asks Haymitch," Do you want me to bring her mother and sister in here?"

I look over at him quickly and ask," My mom and sister ,Prim, are here." Finnick and Haymitch look at me and nod. I say," I want them in here now!" I scream even louder this time. Finnick goes and gets Prim and Mom while I sit with Haymitch. I tell him," Haymitch, I want you to be the grandfather since my dad is not here." Haymitch looks at me and smiles. He places his hand on my stomach and kisses it saying," Hey baby I am your grandfather." I already know Haymitch will be a perfect grandparent.

Prim and Mom rush into the room. Prim runs over to me and hugs me asking," Is she kicking hard?" I laugh and nod,"yes." Mom comes over and asks,"How long apart are your contractions?"  I look at the clock and say," About 10 minutes apart." Mom comes over to me and tells Prim to hold my legs up while she checks on what's happening. Mom says," Your 7 centimeters dilated." I say ," Okay. Is that good?" Mom nods. Prim walks over to me and says," Katniss? Are you okay about Peeta?" I shake my head ," He won't be the same. He won't get to see his daughter be born is the worst part." I say rubbing my stomach. Prim says," It is okay Katniss He will still love you the same."

I nod," I hope."

This time I yell louder than ever Prim goes and checks to see that is happening. Prim says," It's time Katniss!" Prim runs to get Mom but Mom was shot with a sleeping needle by Plutarch. He thought it was me. Prim comes back and says," Katniss. Do you trust me?"

I nod. Prim tells me to bend me knees, put my feet on the bed and then spread them apart. I do as she told. Prim says, " you're 10 centimeters dilated. Tell me when your next contraction is starting and then we all have to push." I say ,"Okay." I sit there rubbing my stomach talking to my daughter saying," Hey Willow. I am your mommy. I love you so much honey. Your daddy does too. Don't forget that okay." The baby kicks and I take that as an okay.

The next contraction was starting so I look at Prim and nod. She puts on gloves then says ," Now katniss! When it actually starts you push as hard as you can okay?" I nod. I scream and push," Come out please baby!!!!" That contraction is hurting but Prim says,"The baby is just crowning.You need to push hard this time." I push as hard as I can when all the pain washes away and I hear this beautiful cry fill the room. I see Willow in Prim's arm crying her heart out. Prim looks over at me and smiles. She hands Willow to me and I hold her in my arms while I try to calm her down. I sing to her and she calms down. I see her open her eyes. They are just like Peetas eyes. Prim tells me I need to breastfeed her until we get to the district. I ask her," Do you know how to do this? I have never done it before. Can you help me?" She nods and grabs Willow then puts her on my chest and latches a nipple to her mouth. She sits there drinking while Prim talks to me about how cute she was.

I was know a mom. I have a daughter . My own daughter. Snow will never get to her. I will protect her with my life. She will never go into the Games because I Will protect her forever.

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