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//L U K E\\

I stared at my cup of hot chocolate in front of me, lost in thought.

So many questions were roaming through my head at the moment and I tried to shake it off but more thoughts came in.

"Luke? Luke!"

"What?" I asked after I heard my name being called.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked. He looked worried.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking," I replied shaking my head to push away the thoughts. "Calum?" I asked and looked up at him, our eyes meeting.

"Yeah?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows and taking a sip of his tea.

"Uh- w-what about you, what's y-your sexuality?" I asked, hesitantly while mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

He looked down at his lap and looked back up at me. "I'm straight," He said, giving me a half smile. I returned the smile, but mine wasn't genuine.

I felt my heart fall when he said those words. I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

Do I have a crush on this boy? He's just so perfect and don't even make me start he's perfect and the way his hair was in the morning and-

"Wait, why?" A voice asked, interrupting me from my thoughts.

I mentally panicked.

What was I supposed to say?

Hmm.. I don't know maybe because I wanna know the sexuality of the guy that I'm probably in love with. Wait, did I just-? "I-uh.. Since you brought it up I-I guess I j-just wanted to know your sexuality?" I asked more than stated, mentally slapping myself again for stuttering like the millionth time today.

He gave me a weird look but shrugged it off.

He took another sip of his tea before speaking again. "So tell me about yourself," He finally said.

"Well what do you wanna know?" I asked, sipping my cup of hot chocolate

"Like, what do you first see in a guy?" He asked and I looked down.

"Uh, eyes," Especially yours, my mind adds. Why did he want to know anyways?

"What about you?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. "Well with g-girls," I add, my voice slightly cracking.

"Probably the same as you," He replied, shrugging and looking up at me, catching my gaze.

But I eventually broke the stare asking, "So are you dating someone?" I asked but I regretted it automatically, I was probably making him uncomfortable.

"Yeah," He replied and I can feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. "You?" He asked.

"N-no," I replied, looking down at the ground.

"So do you happen to have a crush on someone?" He said, winking at me while smiling, causing me to fake laugh so I wouldn't make the tension between us more awkward.

"Y-yeah, well kind of, it's just complicated, I guess," I answered, the reply indirecting to him.

"Oh," He replied, his face falling almost as if he was disappointed in something.

After a while of silence, we decided on playing 20 questions. I found out a lot about him like how he had a sister named Mali and his parents were divorced. We talked for a while until we decided on watching a movie, but guess what we were going to watch? A horror movie!! Yay! Hopefully your catching on with the sarcasm here..


A/N: Surprise!! Just a little update for you guys!

That rhymed, see what I did there? No? Okay..

Anyways looks like Lukey here has a little crush ;)

I almost have 600 views and 70 votes so thank you guys so much for reading this once again!! I'll try to update more for you guys. xx

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