;; eleven ;;

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A/N: Read the authors note at the end !! :))

btw sorry for any typos

(Most of the chapters will probably be third person view because it's easier for me to write it that way but I'll still have their points of views in some chapters!!)


Luke woke up from the feeling of someone moving beside him.

He looked around his room, a pounding headache lingering inside.

He put a hand on his head, tugging at his hair slightly. He felt someone's grip on him tighten. He began to panic, causing him to squirm under Calum's touch. That's when Luke remembered.

He instantly calmed down, quietly and gently removing himself from Calum's grip. Although it was rather hard for Luke, with Calum's grip on him tightening each time he tried escape.

But Luke eventually succeeded.

Heaving a sigh, he sat up and leaned against the wall. He looked over at Calum and sighed again as he watched the beautiful brunette sleep.

Luke buried his face into his hands until he heard something, a voice.

He uncovered his face from his hands, looking around the room.

"Luke," He looked over at Calum and Luke's eyebrow quirked.

"Luke," Calum repeated, squirming in his sleep.

A puzzled look appeared on Luke's face before he leaned in to look at Calum. Calum continued to stir in his sleep as Luke watched him curiously.

"Calum?" Luke whispered but failed to wake up the boy.

"Calum?" Luke said, louder but not as loud.

"Calum?!" Luke repeated, by this time Calum flinched and his eyes shot opened. When he saw Luke, he grinned.

Luke smiled and went back to his position of leaning against the wall.

I wouldn't mind waking up to that beautiful face everyday Calum thought as he sat up, leaning against the wall next to Luke.

"So can you tell me a little bit about yesterday?" Calum asked before being able to stop himself.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, a confused look slowly appearing on his face.

"Like, why were you crying?" He asked cautiously. He looked at the blonde and suddenly felt guilty when he saw his head hung low.

"Y-you don't have to tell m-me," Calum said quickly when he saw Luke's expression.

"No, I should. You probably think I'm weak as fuck for crying just because someone tried to have sex with me," Luke said.

"Well I used to date this guy, " Luke started. "And well, one day, I told him I was ready and all that shit because he basically talked to me about our sex life 24/7. So after we actually did it, we began to do it basically every time we got to hang out. And I honestly hated it, because that was the only thing that we ever did. Whenever he came over, Sex. After we had a day out, Sex. And you probably get it by now," Luke continued, Calum nodding whenever Luke glanced at him.

"But I never told him that, I was afraid of what he'd do. And well, I finally told my sister ,about it and she told me that I should tell him how I feel. And so when he came over one day, I actually got the courage and confronted him. But after telling him the things about how we only had sex, he got angry and he was just- he forced me to have sex with him. I-I tried to escape but I failed and he overpowered me. I was so afraid, C-Calum," He said, tears rimming at the corner of his eyes.

He sniffled and tried to stifle in his cries as he looked up, meeting a pair of brown eyes.

Calum just wanted to cry. He pulled Luke into a tight embrace, feeling so much hatred towards the guy that made Luke this way. He just wished that he would've met Luke before, so he could be able to hold the boy when this happened.

Luke had to take a break from acting after this incident. It took about 4 months for him to adjust. Brianna couldn't even touch him without him flinching.

He buried his face into Calum's chest, trying his best not to cry although he was failing.

He eventually began to let out sobs into Calum's shoulder.


The next few hours consisted of Calum and Luke cuddling and watching movies.

Calum got up from Luke's bed, stretching since they've been lazy bums in bed all day.

"Are you leaving?" Luke asked, frowning.

"Yeah, I guess so," Calum replied as Luke held out his arms so that Calum could bring him up. Calum did as Luke wanted and grabbed the smaller boy's arms, gently bringing him up.

"Okay," Luke said sadly. He wanted the older boy to stay longer but you don't always get what you want.

They both went down the stairs in silence until they reached Luke's door.

They stood there, waiting for something to happen. Luke began leaning in almost as if he were going to kiss Calum. You must be thinking, 'leaning in? What?' Well that's what Luke was thinking too.

What the fuck am I doing? He thought, stopping himself when they were basically centimeters away.

Calum began panicking. What is he doing? Calum thought.

Luke wrapped his arms around the boy, trying not to make the him uncomfortable. Calum calmed down, thinking to himself, was he going to kiss me?

They pulled away awkwardly, as Calum walked out of Luke's door. Before he shut it, he waved Luke goodbye as Luke did also.

After the door shut, Luke just wanted to punch himself.

"What the fuck was I doing?" He asked himself quietly, tugging at his hair. "You fucked up, Luke."

On the other side of the door, Calum was just completely and utterly confused. Was he going to kiss me or just leaning in to hug me? Calum thought as he walked to his car that was parked in Luke's driveway.

But the thing is, Calum was leaning in too.


A/N: Hi guys!! I'm sorry for the crappy chapter but also, I'm sorry for not being able to update all week but here's a chapter for you guys :)

Anyways, I never actually said this, so thank you guys so much for 1k reads!! :) it makes me so happy to know that people actually read something I wrote. And thanks for all of your lovely comments! I love you guys so much thank you once again xx

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