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//L U K E\\

Beep beep beep
I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I shut it off as I rubbed my eyes, tiredly. Today, I'm shooting a movie. Yes. I'm an actor and I have been for quite a while. I got up from my bed tiredly and walked over to my closet, picking out ripped jeans and a red flannel.

We weren't exactly going to film today, but we were supposed to meet the other actors and discuss the movie, so I guess it wouldn't be that bad.

I walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I turned the shower on and stripped down.

I entered the shower and let the warm water hit me.

When I was finished with my shower, I got out and got dressed. I put my hair into a quiff. ( which took like 30 minutes. Hey, don't judge!)

I ran downstairs, having a quick breakfast and grabbing my keys and phone.

I got out of my house, locked it, and got into my car, starting the ignition. I drove out of my driveway, while turning on the cd, skipping all most of the songs until I reached "Break your Little Heart," by All Time Low.

I finally arrived at where I was told to go. I got into the place and was met with Christian, the director.

"Luke, right on time!" He yelled once he saw me and rushed towards where I was. "Calum, Arianna, Delilah, come over here!" He yelled, motioning a couple of people to him.

I was soon met with a blonde girl, a red headed girl, and a boy with brown hair and streaks of blonde hair. I quickly met eyes with the boy which felt like forever and quickly looked down, realizing that I was staring at him.

"Guys this is Luke," Christian told them and quickly looked toward me. "And luke, this is Calum, Arianna, and Delilah," He pointed to the boy first, to the brunette, and lastly towards the red head.

They all greeted me. I shook hands with the two girls and felt butterflies in my stomache as I shook the boy's hand. Why did I feel this way? Yes, I am gay but I just met him.. So many questions roamed through my head until I realized someone was talking to me.

I looked up and met Calum's eyes, once again.

"S-sorry, what?" I asked, stuttering a bit.

"We're going to go to my house to discuss the movie. Can I get your number so I can text you the address?" He replied, sending a soft smile to me and handing his phone to me.

I nodded and took his phone, adding my number to it. I added my contact name as, "Luke🐧" and gave him his phone back while getting my phone out.

He glanced to it and grinned, "thanks," he said and began to walk away, his eyes on his phone. I sighed softly and felt my phone vibrate. I got it out and saw a text from an unknown number. It must've been Calum because they texted me an address. I simply added his contact name as "Calum" while I left the building and got into my car, starting it again.

Sooner, I reached the place that Calum texted me and took out my phone, making sure it was the right place.

I got out my car and walked to his door, checking the address once more to make sure it was the right one. I clicked the doorbell and waited, tapping my shoe on the ground. The door wobbled and I was met with Delilah.

"Hey," she said softly. I glanced at the view behind her, seeing Arianna, Calum, and our director, sitting at a table.

"Hey," I replied.


A/N: This is kinda a short chapter but I hope you guys like it! I'm really new at writing Fanfics so I hope you guys like this!

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