;; thirteen ;;

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A/N: I literally had a dream of cake last night. I wish that dream was real so bad Icri :///


When they finally got a perfect scene filmed, they had a break for the day since Christian had invited them to a party that they all agreed that they would attend.

The only bad thing about the part to Luke, was that Calum's girlfriend was going to be there.

Luke rolled his eyes at the thought and entered the house where the party was being held at.

It was basically just one of those stereotypical parties with drunk people grinding each other in almost every area.

Luke avoided where he could get seen, he hated when girls tried dancing on him. So he stayed in the food area, as always.

After getting a cup full of punch, he turned around, accidentally bumping into someone.

"Oh sor-" he started but stopped when he looked up to see a girl.

"Get out of my way you fag," she slurred. She was obviously drunk.

Luke wasn't offended, he was used to it, actually. But she looked oddly familiar to Luke as he tried to figure out who she was. But that's when it clicked, it was Calum's girlfriend.

"What did you have this morning, bitch flakes?" Luke asked, suddenly feeling confident.

"Excuse me?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"Yeah, you heard me."

She gave him a disgusted look, her fists clenching.

"What? Did you see a mirror?" Luke smirked, but it was quickly wiped off when her hand flew straight across his face.

He put a hand on his cheek where she slapped him, not feeling any regret.

But that's when he splashed his cup of punch on her, smirking.

Her mouth dropped open, brows furrowed.

"Luke, what the fuck?!" He heard someone call, both heads turning to where the voice came from.

Calum came storming in, looking at both of them.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" He looked at Luke first, and then at his girlfriend.

"I don't give a fuck," Luke said without hesitation before turning on his heel and towards the door, leaving the two with shocked looks.

"Why the fuck did you slap him?" Calum yelled at her with frustration.

"It doesn't matter just keep that faggot away from me!" She yelled back at him.

"Don't call him a faggot," he defended Luke, glaring at her.

"Why are you one too?" She asked, letting out a bitter laugh.

"And what if I am?"

She glared at him, her brows furrowing.

"Are you?" She asked, putting him on the spot.

He hesitated before answering, regretting that he even said a word about the topic.

"That shouldn't matter to you because we're fucking done, I'm so tired of you acting like this around my friends." he spat at her.

Her fists clenched even harder if that was even possible, trying to think of something to say back as he began to walk away.

"So?! I have other guys to fuck!" She finally said.

He turned around to look at her before continuing to walk.

"And I have other guys to look date," he smirked and turned on his heel, leaving her speechless.

Calum sighed as he walked out the door, towards a tree that was in the yard.

He sat his back against it as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"You-you alright?" He heard a voice, making him jump a little.

He turned around to see who it was, not so surprised.

"Yeah," he said to Luke, chuckling softly.

Luke sat beside him.

"I-I kinda heard it all," Luke said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck which was a habit of Luke's during awkward situations.

"Yeah, I'm actually glad we broke up."

Luke looked at Calum with a shocked look on his face.

"Really?" He questioned.

"Yep, she was a bitch and she's cheated on me several times so it let off a weight off my shoulders."

"But-but why didn't you break up with her before?"

"I have, trust me. Many times. But I've always took her back for some reason," Calum said, shrugging.

"Oh," Luke simply replied, looking down at the grass, fiddling with the sharp blades of it

"Did you happen to hear the o-other part?" Calum brought up.

"About you being g-gay?"

"Y-yeah, that."

"Well, yeah, I guess. I thought you were straight?"

"I was. But I guess there's this person that's been causing me to have this weird feeling and he isn't a girl. I haven't told anyone yet except my friend, Ashton," Calum replied to him, glancing up at Luke.

"Oh," He said, sighing, thinking that the 'guy' wasn't him.

But Luke thought wrong, it was him that Calum had in mind.

Calum repositioned himself so that he was lying down, his head against the tree now. He looked up at the dark sky, making a wish on the first star that he saw.

"Look it's the first star," Calum mentioned to Luke.

"Oh yeah," He replied, his position now matching Calum's.

They both watched more stars appear in silence, watching them in adoration.

Calum turned to look at Luke. He just looked amazing to him at the moment. His ocean blue eyes glistening in the moonlight and his lips slightly parted as his chest moved up and down during each breath.

But Luke sat up, causing Calum's stare break. Calum did the same, sighing softly.

Luke suddenly had the impulse to just stare at Calum and so he did, taking in every little thing of his appearance.

Calum looked back at him, causing them to look into each other's eyes in silence.

But then Luke just couldn't take it, he began leaning in,

and then that's when his lips pressed against Calum's.


A/N: HOLY SHIT!!,?,,!! Here's a price of Cake for all of you ;;)))

Well hey guys!! Oh my God I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who read this book bc 2k reads omg!! You guys make me so happy and I wouldn't be continuing with this book if it weren't for you guys. I love you all soooooo much :)))

Btw I'm sorry for this horrible chapter I wrote part of it at 2AM.

Once again, i love you guys xx

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