;; twelve ;;

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~the next dayyy~

Luke quickly got out of his house after his basic morning routine like always, just a bit more rushed though.

They had to film most of the movie today and he basically overslept.

He rubbed his eyes and his grip on the steering wheel tightened from frustration after almost hitting a car. He felt so off today since Calum was basically running through his mind.

He got out of his car when he got there, sighing in relief since he could've hit a car.

He pushed the pair of double doors open, rolling his eyes at himself when he tried pulling the doors open at first.

Luke looked around and took out his phone to check the time.

10:37, it read. He sighed. He was 37 minutes late.

Christian rushed over to him, Luke preparing to be yelled at for about the 24th time for being late.

"Luke! You're late!" He yelled, shoving some papers into Luke's arms.

"I know, I overslept, I'm sorry," He apologised, taking the papers and reading them over.

"Those are your lines for the next scene, it'll be a scene for you and Calum after that scene," Christian said, pointing at the scene they were filming. Calum and Delilah were in the scene that was being filmed.

Luke nodded, smiling at Calum when their eyes met. Calum smiled back, quickly turning around and focusing on the scene.

He read over his lines multiple times until they called a break. Luke looked up from his papers, looking around until he saw Calum. He smiled as he watched the dark-haired boy walk over to someone.

He stopped walking once he was met with another girl. Luke's smile faltered when he saw Calum kiss the girl. He watched them with saddened eyes as they happily hugged each other.

He felt tears reaching his eyes, threatening to fall. He tried blinking them away but that's when he realised something.

He looked down at his script, his eyes widening. He script was ripped, some in smaller pieces, others in larger.

He began to pick up the smaller pieces that fell to the ground, sighing. He heard his name being called so he rushed to where he heard his name and on the way there, dropping the script in the trash can.

I've read my lines multiple times, I can do this he thought to himself as they settled him for the next scene. Which by the way, was with Calum.

He bit his lip as they started to record the scene.

Calum first said his line, waiting for Luke to reply. But Luke didn't. He just stood there, scratching the back of his neck.

"I-I forgot my lines," He said, looking up to Christian.

He nodded, yelling "cut!"

Luke sighed before walking away. He felt someone grab his wrist. He turned around to see who it was. Calum.

"D-do you need s-something?" Luke stuttered, looking down at wrist as Calum let go of it.

"What happened? You always have your lines memorised," Calum said, chuckling softly but stopped immediately when he saw Luke's serious expression.

Blood rises up to Luke's cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I kinda.. rippedmyscript," Luke said the last part of his sentence quickly.

"You ripped your script?" Calum asked, just to make sure he heard it correctly.

"Y-yeah," Luke blushed, looking down at his shoes shamefully.


Luke's eyes widened at the question. Maybe because I get jealous too easily, He thought as he tried to make up an excuse.

"I-I don't know, I-I just d-did," Luke replied, shrugging softly.

Calum nodded, not taking the conversation further.

"You can borrow my script!" Calum suggested, taking out the folded piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolding it.

"Thanks Cal," Luke smiled at him as Calum handed the script to him.

"No problem," He replied, smiling at the younger boy. He took out his phone after feeling it vibrate.

"I have to go, my girlfriend is waiting for me over there," Calum said to him, pointing to the direction she was.

"Oh, okay," Luke mumbled, his smile (and heart) falling as he looked down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked the blonde worriedly.

"I-I'm just," he paused. "tired," He finished, tears starting to arrive.

"Alright, just tell me when you got you're lines memorised," the raven-haired boy said before walking away.

Luke nodded as he looked down at the paper, reading over his lines.


A/N: Hey cuties!! Sorry for the horrible chapter, tell me if I have any typos since it was kinda rushed . I'll try to update tomorrow and I promise, there will probably be some cake soon ;)) ily guys xx

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