;; seventeen ;;

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"Oh my God, Brianna it was just so amazing and he's so amazing,"

Luke has been rambling on and on and on about how is date went to his sister. The second he walked into the door, Brianna knew what was coming. She had gotten used to him rambling about everything to her so she didn't mind. She loved the fact that her little brother had found someone who made him happy and not some douchebag that uses him.

"Brianna.. I-I think I love him." Luke said to her, a smile forming onto his face as he looked down at the floor.

"Oh my God aw!" She exclaimed causing him to blush. "You need to tell him!"

"We're not even together yet, Brianna." He reassured her.

"Yep, you're not together, yet."

Luke rolled his eyes playfully before looking down at his phone checking for any calls or texts, specifically from Calum. His smile widened as he got what he had wanted.

'Hey, wanna hang out today?'

'Sure, what time?' He quickly texted back. after a few seconds, it said that it was read.

'I'll pick you up in a few (:'

'Okay :-)' He put his phone down before, turning towards his sister.

"Looks like we're gonna hang out today," he basically squealed as she giggled at her brother.

"You're acting like a teenage girl over her crush," she smiled and laughed at him, causing his face to redden.

"Whatever," he mumbled before getting up from where he was and rushing up to his room.

He quickly picked something out, quickly putting on some skinnies and a tank top.

Basically a few seconds later, a doorbell rang causing him to jump a bit.

"Shit.." He mumbled to himself as he looked in the mirror, his hair all over the place. He quickly put on a beanie, thinking that it would work out, and well, it did, luckily.

He rushed out of his room before looking down over at his sister and Calum talking.

"Yeah.. He talks about you all the time, it's quite adorable and once he-" She was cut off by Luke interrupting her.

"Brianna!" He groaned quietly, trying to make it audible for only her.

"Oh hey Lukey! Your boyfriend's here," she said unintentionally.

"He's not my boyfriend!" He sighed as he rushed down the stairs, tripping down a few stairs before catching himself, his cheeks beginning to heat up in embarrassment.

But if you asked Calum, he was the most adorable person on Earth.

"Hey, Cal," he said awkwardly, still a bit embarrassed.

"Hello, love." Calum said, quite romantically, might I add, with a grin plastered on his face.

Not that Calum meaned for it to happen, but the nickname caused Luke's face to become a whole different shade of red, which was much darker.

Brianna, being the 'fangirl' she is, tried to hold it all in but failed miserably. She squealed quietly, earning a glare from her brother and a quiet laugh from Calum.

"I'm so sorry, you guys are just so cute!" She commented. Now it was Calum's turn to blush.

They all just stood there for a second, Luke occasionally stealing glances of Calum, Brianna just watching at how flustered the boy was.

twisted ➳ c.h + l.h (hoodings)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora