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But you know what else? I fell on top of Calum, our faces inches away from each other.

(A/N: sorry if the beginning is kind of awkward, didn't really know how to start it)

//C A L U M\\

His lips were ghosting over mine.

He was too close. I couldn't kiss him. I'm dating someone.

I shifted to the other side of my chair uncomfortably. I glanced over at Luke. His face was the colour of a tomato and you could see tears forming in his eyes. I didn't understand why but guilt automatically rushed up my body.

"I-I'm sorry," A voice muttered as I looked back to see Luke looking down. "I s-should l-leave," He stuttered. I didn't respond. I didn't respond because I didn't know how to. What was I supposed to say?

I got up from my chair after I heard the door slam shut. I walked over to the living room and slumped down onto my couch, groaning.


I can't get him off my mind.

It's been a week and I have to see him tomorrow for the movie. I groaned at the thought of it as my mind wandered with thoughts about Luke.

Not wanting to feel his lips against mine that day would be an understatement. That's the problem. I just met him. I'm not gay. I have an amazing girlfriend. I repeated those words over and over again until I heard a text alert noise come from my phone. I picked my phone up and my face fell at the name that was there. Great just great.


(A/N: really short chapter and I'm so sorry for not being able to update but just a cliffhanger for you guys I guess!! Who do you think it is?)

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