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//third person\\

Luke charged up from his seat excitedly after finishing his breakfast.

"Not so fast, mister," Brianna stopped him before he could get any farther from his place.

"Where do you think you're going, exactly?" She questioned, raising a brow.

"We're filming the movie today," Luke replied, looking back at her.

"And when have you been that excited to film a movie since your acting career started?" She asked, suspiciously.

"Calum is going to be there, okay?" He said, rolling his eyes as he slumped down, sighing.

"No wonder," She laughed and motioned her hand for him to leave. "You can go now."

He finally rushed up the stairs, to his bedroom and into his closet.

He crossed his arms over his chest, in thought of what to wear. But they would have to change for the movie so not like it would be any different. Yet, the blonde lad still wanted to impress his so called crush.

Why am I trying to impress him with clothes? He has a girlfriend anyways, He thought.

He buried his face into his hands.

"Why do I fall in love so easily?" He said to himself.

"Yeah, why?" A deep voice asked. He looked up and saw the purple-headed boy leaning against the wall, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Oh hey Michael, thanks for telling me you were coming," Luke said, rolling his eyes as he walked over to his best friend. "What brings you here and who let you in?"

"Your sister, she loves me you can tell," Michael cockily said, siting down at the edge of Luke's bed. "And I guess I just wanted to see you." He shrugged as Luke sat down next to him. "And when you said, 'why do I always fall in love so easy' or whatever, is my best friend in love?" He asked, trying to do an imitation of Luke's voice, but failing miserably, making Luke laugh.

"Oh uh, kinda I guess," Luke said, scratching the back of his neck as he always did when he was nervous.

Michael began screaming like a girl who just got a celeb to notice her, making Luke cover his ears.

"Shut up, Michael," Luke said, punching him on the arm playfully.

"Whatever, so who's the guy?" Michael asked, wiggling his eyebrows as he nudged Luke.

Luke pulled out his phone, searching through his photo gallery until he found a selfie that he and Calum took together. He smiled at himself.

"His name's Calum," He said, handing the phone over to Michael.

"Oh, he's hot," Michael said, jokingly, earning another playful punch from his best friend.

"And he's off limits," Luke said while taking the phone out of Michael's hand.

"I was just kidding, lover boy. You know I'm as straight as a pole." Michael said, while laughing at the jealous blonde.

"I know.. Anyways, he's taken." Luke said, trying his best not to act hurt like he always did whenever he had to mention it.

Michael frowned.

"Then why do you like him?" He asked the lovesick puppy.

"He's just different and he's so irresistible I just-," Luke stopped and looked down to the ground. "I fall in love too easily man," He said, looking up at Michael.

Michael patted his back slightly, brows furrowed.

"When exactly did you meet Calum?" He asked Luke.

"2 weeks ago?" Luke asked more than stated.

"And you're already in love with him? Maybe you should get to know him, he could be a total douchebag because you've only hung out with him how many times?" He asked the boy.

"Like twice." Luke answered, shrugging.

"Yeah, you really need to slow down, lad. Get to know him more." Michael said, getting up from Luke's bed. "I just don't want you to get hurt like last time, okay?"

"Alright. You speak like a wise owl, Michael." Luke said, laughing a bit to brighten the mood. "Are you leaving?" He questioned.

"Yeah, your sister told me you were going to film today so I guess I should go." He replied.

Luke hugged him and sighed as Michael hugged him back.

"Well bye Michael," Luke said as he watched his best friend walk out the door.

"See ya. Text me later," Michael replied, leaving the house.

Luke sighed and went back into his closet, picking out some clothes while taking in Michael's words.


A/N: I'm sorry if there are any errors. Thanks for reading this guys (: vote and comment xx

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