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//C A L U M\\


It's probably Luke.

"Hey Delilah, can you get the door?" I asked, glancing over to her.

She nodded and was on her way to get the door as Arianna, Christian, and I ate our pizza slices.

In no time, Delilah and Luke were walking towards us side by side. He sat down across from me awkwardly. We all greeted him and I brought him a plate with a slice of pizza on it before Christian excused himself to get somethmg. We all ate in silence until he came back minute later with a paper in his hand.

"So the movie we're going to film is called, 'Twisted.' and it's a love story. Calum and Delilah, you guys have the main roles." He read off the paper, glancing at Delilah and I once in a while.

I think I saw Luke cringe at the corner of my eye. I wondered why but I ignored it.

"And Luke, your playing as Delilah's brother," he told Luke. Christian mumbled a couple of things to himself and continued, "and Arianna your playing as Delilah's best friend," he said and glanced at all of us. We all nodded in response as he added a couple of other extra things.

He handed us our scripts and we all skimmed through the many pages.

"We'll probably start filming next week so be prepared," He told us and continued with more details.

After hours of discussion, he told us it was getting late as he gathered all of his things.

"See you all next week, or maybe before," he said and waved us all goodbye.

After he left, we decided that we should watch a movie. Ariana ended up picking the movie and of course, she picked Mean Girls. Arianna and a Delilah sat on the same couch while me and Luke sat on the other.

After she placed the DVD into the DVD player, I made popcorn and brought chips. But they pretty much ate half of the food before the actual movie started.

"Really guys?" I asked when the actual movie started and I realized how much popcorn was left. Arianna and Delilah laughed but Luke kept quiet. My head wandered with questions about him but I shook it off.

Throughout half the movie, Delilah and Arianna fell asleep. I picked up my phone and checked the time. It read: 12:47. I sighed until I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Luke peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. Soft snores escaped him and I smiled widely. He looked adorable when he was sleeping. Wait, what? My smile began to fade as I processed what I just thought.

I yawned and looked up at the ceiling fan, lost in thought. I glanced over at Luke, a new smile forming on my face as I watched him sleep.

Until I fell asleep too.


A/N: not really sure how to feel about this chapter, but I hope it's not that bad.

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