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Hushed voices were heard from the kitchen. There, you can see Taehyung and Jimin cooking Joowon's favorite breakfast, pancakes.

"Have you messaged the others?" Taehyung asked as he flipped the tenth pancake he was cooking.

"Yes. I already informed them about later. They were all going." Jimin answered while he was munching away the other pancake Taehyung already cooked.

"Do not eat those!" Taehyung scolded him with a hushed voice. He took the plate away from Jimin so that he won't steal another one.

"I still have my share there." Jimin exclaimed.

"Who even told you I was cooking for the three of us? I was only cooking for Joowon and I." Of course, Taehyung was only joking. He was cooking enough for the three of them. Besides, he was the one who invited Jimin there.

"Selfish bitch."

Once they were done with the plating as well, Jimin and Taehyung went to the room to wake Joowon up.

He flicked the lights on which made Joowon wake up from his sleep. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Woonie. Happy birthday to you!"

Just like his other birthdays, Taehyung woke him up with a pile of pancake with syrup and a small candle on top of it. Jimin was there to take pictures. Taehyung always makes sure that they have photograph of every year.

This made Joowon got up from the bed. He excitedly looked at his breakfast and Taehyung who was slowly approaching him.

"Happy 6th birthday, Joowonie!" Taehyung and Jimin greeted the child. Taehyung sat down on the bed. He placed the pancakes in front of Joowon. The child blew the light from the candle while Jimin took a picture of the perfect moment for the father and son. The film coming out from the camera.

"Pancakes!" Joowon took the fork from his father after he blew the candle. He immediately took a bite of the pancake made by his father which made him giggle.

"Are you happy, Woonie?" Taehyung asked. He reached for his son's chin which had a little syrup on it.

"Yes! Thank you, Appa. Thank you, Minnie!" Joowon exclaimed. Taehyung and Jimin smiled at that. Joowon gave both of them a bite from his pancakes.

"Should we start your day, birthday boy?" Taehyung asked. He handed Jimin the plate while he carried the child to their kitchen to properly eat their breakfast. "You're really growing, Joowon-ah. You're getting heavy."

"Mr. Kookie can carry me, Appa." Joowon said which perked Jimin's attention. Jimin smirked at this while his best friend tried to give Joowon more pancakes.

Jimin hummed which made Taehyung sighed because he knew Jimin will tease him for this. "Speaking of Mr. Kookie, Jowoonie, can you tell Minnie if he'll come later for your birthday?"

"Yes, Minnie. Appa and I invited him last time. Right, Appa?" This resulted for Joowon and Jimin to look at Taehyung who was avoiding his best friend's eyes.

"What? When?" Taehyung asked the child because he has no idea what Joowon was talking about. "You asked Mr. Kookie to come here?"

"Yes, Appa. When we were in McDonald's, I asked him to come." Joowon said slowly because he felt his father's stare on him. "I'm sorry, Appa." Joowon was close to tears at this point because he felt like he did something bad.

"No! Baby, don't cry! You did not do anything wrong. It's just that Appa did not know about this. I'm just surprised." Taehyung placed Joowon on his lap to comfort him. "But, Joowonie, Mr. Kookie might be busy and he won't be able to come."

"But he said he will come, Appa. He pinky promised." Joowon answered while he was showing Jimin and Taehyung his pinky finger which held Jungkook's promise.

Taehyung sighed at this because he knew Joowon takes promises seriously. That was why Taehyung has been very careful on what to promise Joowon. He doesn't want to disappoint Joowon on his birthday. That was the last thing he wanted the child to feel. When Joowon calmed down, he continued eating his pancakes. Taehyung was just looking at him while pondering how to make up for Jungkook's presence later.

Jimin was just watching the scene unfold in front of him. The son exposing his father. It is exactly his cup of tea. Ever since the child learned how to talk, there was no secret between them, especially when Joowon became talkative. He blurts out everything that he was curious about. He also tells Jimin what Taehyung would tell him since the two of them, Joowon and Jimin, spend a lot of time together.

Hence, that particular kiss on the cheek that happened a couple of days ago became known to Jimin. Even though Taehyung had avoided that topic as much as he can since he was very shy about it, Joowon was the one who told Jimin why Taehyung entered their apartment as red as a tomato when he was left with the elder. Joowon said it in the most innocent manner as anyone can imagine, but Jimin's mind made it otherwise.

When Joowon answered the question the others asked Taehyung when they went in Jimin's apartment that night, Taehyung did not bother to tell them more. He avoided the topic not because he does not want to tell them about it, but because he was still in the state of shock.

It was just an innocent kiss on the cheek, but Taehyung can still feel the light touch of Jungkook's lip against his cheek. Everytime his mind reminds him of that one particular kiss, he starts to feel giddy with delight. Everything inside him just bolts up at the thought of Jungkook. He does not even know why, but he thinks he is slowly coming to a conclusion that he is starting to feel something towards the said man.

"Joowonie, should we call Kookie to make sure if he will come later?" Jimin suddenly said to Joowon but it was clearly for Taehyung.

"Yes, Minnie! Appa, please call Mr. Kookie." Joowon looked at Taehyung with his innocent face that Taehyung can't resist.

"It's too early, Joowon. I'll call him later, okay?" Taehyung assured the child but he didn't forget to glare at Jimin for suggesting that. "Let's get ready for school now, birthday boy."

Taehyung was helping Joowon get out of his chair. The child can manage but Taehyung just want to be careful. On the other hand, Jimin was helping his best friend by cleaning up the table. Before they can make another movement, Taehyung's phone rang. A certain caller named 'Mr. Kookie' became visible on the screen.

No one dared to move another muscle. It seemed like the world stopped around them because of that one phone call. Taehyung and Jimin were staring at the phone while Joowon was wondering why does his father not answering the phone.

"Appa, your phone is ringing." Taehyung and Jimin snapped out of it when Joowon was stating the obvious already.

"Put it on speaker." Jimin said while setting the plates down on the table again.

"Hello." Taehyung nervously answered. His stomach felt like it was about to burst even though he did not eat that much breakfast.

"Good morning, Tae. I just want to tell you that I'm here."  Jungkook's voice was heard through the speaker of Taehyung's phone. The silence inside the apartment made it more audible, yet Taehyung did not seem to hear that clearly.

"What do you mean you are here?" Taehyung asked again.

"Mr. Kookie?" Joowon asked this time, but it was a question directed to Taehyung.

"It's Joowon birthday, isn't it? I'm in front of your apartment." Jungkook spoke again, but this time, it was clear for Taehyung as well.

"Joowon, we need to get ready." Taehyung exclaimed. The nervousness inside him takes control of his actions because he clearly do not know what to do with that information.

Taehyung ran up to their room to collect Joowon's clothes to wash him up. Then, he entered the bathroom with no Joowon with him. Jimin and Joowon were just watching Taehyung scramble inside the apartment like a mad man.

"Minnie, is Appa okay?" Joowon tugged Jimin's shirt to get Jimin's attention, but the elder just laughed. He picked Joowon up to take him to the bathroom where his father was.

"Don't worry, Woonie. Your Appa is more than okay."

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