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"Appa! Appa! Appa!" Joowon called from their living room. As soon as Taehyung heard this from the bathroom, he quickly ran from there to where Joowon was.

"What?! Who do I need to kill?" Taehyung asked, frantically looking around with his towel wrapped around his hips. Facial foam is still on his chin.

"My birthday is coming!" Joowon excitedly pointed at the date of his birth on the calendar. He was smiling as if he did not care about his father's state.

"You are right, Woonie! But next time, please do not shout like that." Taehyung said to his son carefully. He rested his chin on the child's forehead, resulting to some of the foam to transfer on Joowon's face.

"Oh nooooooooo." Taehyung exclaimed playfully as his son laugh at him.

"Oh nooooooooo, Appa!" Joowon repeated with his cute little tone while giggling still.

After their cute interaction, Taehyung and Joowon got ready for their day. Taehyung took Joowon to his school and he went to his university afterwards. Their little "i will miss you" moment lasted a little short for this day because Joowon's school will end before lunch. He will stay with Taehyung in the university for the mean time since his mother is still away, while his friends were busy.

"Hey, Tae!" A person ran up to Taehyung as soon as he got in the room. "Professor Hong wants you to assist him in his class later on for the freshmen. He will be expecting you later!"

"What? Hey!" Before Taehyung can even argue, his classmate has already left the room. "I have a day with Woonie. Now, what?" Taehyung sighed as he does not know where he can let Joowon stay.

As the end of Joowon's school came in, Taehyung was already waiting outside for him. The child was talking with his friends happily. When he saw his father, he quickly said goodbye and ran up to him.

"Woonie, I miss you!" Taehyung exclaimed while hugging his child. Joowon giggled again.

"I miss you more, Appa! Look, stickers!" Joowon excitedly showed Taehyung the stickers he got from his class.

"Wow! That's awesome. I will let you play with that later, but for now, let me feed you food, handsome!" Taehyung put the stickers in Joowon's bag and carried it for him. The child, then, held his father's hand while happily walking to Taehyung's university.

They decided to eat in the restaurant near the university. It was nothing fancy. It was just your average next door restaurant in which they offer dumplings and other meals for the students.

"Auntie!" Joowon called from the entrance. The shop's owner immediately looked at the child with a smile on her face. The other staff peeked as well.

"Joowonie! Aigoo, you've gotten so big! Why is Appa keeping you from us?" The owner said while she approached the two. Taehyung and Joowon bowed at them as a greeting.

"Because he will be a stuffed child once I see him next, Auntie." Taehyung jokingly said as to the owner replied with a glare. He has nothing against that. In fact, he wants Joowon to eat the food he like as long as they practice control for his health.

"I just want to spoil him. You like my dumplings, don't you, Joowon-ah?" She asked to the child. Joowon answered with an eager nod which made them laugh.

"You're still so sweet, just like Appa. Sit down now! I will get you 2 trays of dumpling and a bowl of noodle." The owner ushered them to a table. She also helped Joowon sit on his chair.

Just like that, their stomachs were full. The shop's staff knew them well. There were no relations between them, but they treated them as family. Taehyung and the owner was already close because Taehyung like to eat there, but when Joowon came, their family expanded.

"Thank you for the food, Auntie!" The boys exclaimed happily and loud enough to let the owner know that they enjoyed their meal as usual.

"You ate so many, Joowonie! See you later!"

After their heartily meal, they entered the campus. Some of Taehyung's friends greeted them as well. The child is known for his friendly nature, just like Taehyung. That is why they cannot help but greet them.

"Taehyung! Professor Hong is looking for you!" Professor Jeon called up to him at the hallway of their building. "Look who we have here. Our little celebrity."

"Pap!" Joowon excitedly ran up to Professor Jeon as if that was the most normal thing to do.

Joowon came up with this nickname when he tried to call him 'Professor Jeon' just like when Taehyung sometimes call the elder. Of course, Joowon had a hard time saying it. He used to call him 'Prop Jeon', but soon, the child realized that the other one easier for him.

"I am very sorry, Sir." Taehyung bowed to him as he detached Joowon from the elder. Joowon tend to be clingy with people he like. He also let Joowon call him that since Professor Jeon insisted.

"That is okay. I miss Joowon as well." Professor Jeon ruffled the child's hair.

"Thank you for the helicopter!" Joowon bowed to Professor Jeon as a sign of gratitude.

"You are always welcome, young man. Anyway, Professor Hong is at the second floor in his class. He is waiting for you." Professor Jeon said to him as a reminder to what he was saying earlier.

"Yes! Sir, can I ask you for a small favor? Can you look at Joowon for a while? This won't take long! I will finish Professor Hong's class as soon as possible." Taehyung politely asked. This was the first time he will let Joowon alone with the said man. He may have given him gifts, but Taehyung was always there. He was hesitant, of course, but it is better than leaving Joowon alone.

"No worries, Taehyung. We'll be alright." Professor Jeon said as he reached for Joowon's hand. Thankfully, he agreed because Taehyung would have entered his other professor's class with Joowon.

Taehyung thanked him as many as he can before he bolted to his class.

"So where do you want to go, Joowon-ah?" Professor Jeon asked the child who was holding his hand.

"Hey, dad." Another man walked to them from the entrance of the building. The two look back only to see Jungkook catching up to them.

"Mr. Kookie!"

───── ❝  author's note ❞ ─────

I think it's only right to publish the seventh chapter because this story had reached 7k reads!

Thank you for patiently waiting for the chapters. I hope you enjoy everything this story has because I really enjoy writing it.


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