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Joowon was more than delighted by the decoration's in their home. Balloons were glued to the ceiling. Small tables and chairs were prepared for his friends. A banner of happy birthday was placed on their wall. Not to mention, the amount of gifts brought by Jungkook alone decorated their living room.

"Presents!" Joowon exclaimed. He hopped off Jungkook's arm to run towards his presents, but he was stopped by Jungkook himself.

"Let's get you dressed first, handsome. Then, we'll open your gifts when your party starts, okay?" Jungkook carried him again.

Taehyung was surprised by this action. He was the one who would stop Joowon from opening the presents, but obviously, the man already beats him to that as if it was the most common thing to do.

"Yes, Joowonie. Mr. Kookie is right. Let's get you dressed first to make you look more handsome, okay?" Taehyung walked towards them to take Joowon from Jungkook's arms.

"I'm sorry. I hope he did not make you any trouble on your way here."

"No. It was quite the opposite. We sang songs and played games while driving here. Right, Joowonie?" Jungkook smiled at them. Their trip was short, but Jungkook can guarantee that it was one of the fun trips he had. Joowon kept blabbing about his father to Jungkook in which they promised to be kept as a secret from Taehyung. They also sang songs Joowon requested. They did not really play any games because Joowon was as talkative as ever.

"Yes, Mr. Kookie!" Joowon giggled which was meant that they are hiding something, but Taehyung interpreted it as Joowon did have a good time with Jungkook.

"Fine. If you'll excuse us, Mr. Kookie. I'll give this birthday boy his bath before the party starts." Taehyung kissed Joowon on his cheeks which made Jungkook smile as he witness this.

"Come with us, Mr. Kookie." Joowon said once again which made the two surprised.

"No, Woonie." Taehyung was quick to scold his son because they were just going to their room and bathroom. He was sure that Jungkook is not needed there any longer.

"I'll wait here, Joowonie. I promise." Jungkook held his pinky finger up again for their promise. The child gladly took it.

"You're making too much promises, Mister." Taehyung gave a glare to Jungkook which the other smiled at.


It was around afternoon when Joowon's guest arrived. Their parents were confident enough to leave them there with Taehyung since they knew that the other is capable of taking care of them. They also don't have to worry about their child wondering off to other places since Taehyung assured them that that will only be the venue for Joowon's party. Hence, the parents only stayed for a short while before leaving.

Taehyung's guests arrived as well. Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jungkook were all in the kitchen while Jimin and Seokjin were helping Taehyung with the children.

"You're the famous Mr. Kookie, right?" Namjoon asked. They were sitting around the table with a carton of juice in their hands.

"Yes, but you can call me Jungkook." Jungkook chuckled at the nickname the child gave him because it seems like Taehyung's friends use it as well.

"Do you like our Taehyungie?" Hoseok asked this time. The question made Jungkook choke from his juice because he didn't expect Taehyung's friends to ask that. He grabbed some tissue, but the three pair of eyes did not go unnoticed by him.

Once we finally regain the courage to look at them, he finally answered. "Yes."

"Do you like Joowon?"

"I do. I got attached to him because of his sweet characteristic. He is also smart and kind. Taehyung really did a good job taking care of him, and the both of them looks happy." Jungkook answered honestly.

"Welcome, dude. I am Namjoon and this is Hoseok, by the way." Namjoon extended his drink for a cheer with Jungkook. Their introduction was late than intended because the question seemed like it was more important. It was not the first time Taehyung had an admirer, but it was actually the first time an admirer extended their hand for Taehyung.

It is easy for someone to like Taehyung. It is also easy to say that they Joowon because they like Taehyung, but the fact that Jungkook likes the both of them separately even though they come as a pair makes Jungkook different from all of them.

"It's time for presents, Joowonie." Taehyung's voice was heard through out the apartment. The others who were in the kitchen moved to the living room to watch Joowon open his presents.

Joowon opened the gifts from his friends first. Then, the others handed their gifts as well. Joowon also opened some of Jungkook's gifts. Taehyung told him to open the others when the party is over since it will create a huge mess.

After an hour or two, the parents picked their children up from Taehyung. Joowon and Taehyung was at the front door to thank their guests. Now, the only ones left were the adults.

They were all cleaning around the apartment while the two bid their guests goodbye. They were clearing the small tables in the living room to place another table for them this time. Jimin and Hoseok were also picking up the wrappers from the presents Joowon opened up. When everything was cleared up, Taehyung and Joowon joined the others.

"Let's take a picture, Joowonie." Taehyung said, taking out the polaroid camera.

Jimin took it from Taehyung to capture another photo for this day. Taehyung and Joowon stood at the wall with Joowon's banner. They hugged each other as a pose for the picture which Jimin took clearly. They also held a group photo with his friends. Jungkook was the one who took it for them.

"Take one with Jungkook, Tae." Seokjin suggested which made Taehyung glare at him.

"Sure." Jungkook stood up. He carried Joowon with him so that he'll be included in the picture as well.

"C'mon, Appa." Joowon called him over. Taehyung sighed in defeat when he saw his son smiling at Jungkook while they wait for him. He then walked over to the wall again. He stood beside Jungkook. Joowon took his hand which made Taehyung stood closer to Jungkook.

"Smile!" Jimin exclaimed. The three of them smiled at the camera. The others watched as Taehyung's hand was held by Joowon while the child was being carried by Jungkook who smiled at the camera as well.

Little did they know, the film came out with Taehyung smiling and Jungkook and Joowon sporting the same bunny smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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