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A man called out from behind Taehyung. He immediately turned around.

"Yes, sir?" Taehyung asked. He recognized the voice immediately because it was his professor.

"I would just like to remind you about the report. Oh, I also bought a gift for your son. I hope he likes it." The man handed the gift that was well wrapped. It looked like an expensive gift for a child.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon but you don't have to pamper him." Taehyung accepted the gift because it may look rude not to accept it, especially when it came from his professor himself.

"It's nothing. You are an impressive person after all. Your actions should be rewarded." Mr. Jeon smiled at him. He doesn't seem that old enough but his wrinkles are obvious.

"But..." Taehyung still wanted to protest but he doesn't know what to say.

"I'm going, Taehyung. Be careful on your way home. Say hi to Joowon for me." His professor waved goodbye then walked to the opposite direction.

Taehyung was left there dumbfounded, holding the gift that was for his son which was given by his professor. This wasn't the first time but he was still reluctant of accepting the gifts.


"Woonie!" Taehyung dropped all his things by the door as soon as he entered his mother's house.

The said child quickly ran to his father's open arms, abandoning his toys. "Appa!"

"I miss you so much!" Taehyung hugged the child tightly and gave him kisses. This was their greeting whenever they reunite after a long day of being apart.

"I miss you too, appa!" The child managed to say between his giggles because of Taehyung's kisses which tickles him.

"Look! I have a present for you!" Taehyung took the gift and gave it to the excited Joowon.

"Did your professor give that again?" His mother who just came from the kitchen asked him.

Taehyung pecked her on his cheek. "Yes. I wasn't going to accept it but he insisted. Well, I also can't blame him because he had been separated from his son for I don't how long." Taehyung sighed. He just watched his son open the gift.

"What is that, Woonie?" Mrs. Kim asked Joowon.

"A helicopter!" Joowon raised the box which contains a remote control helicopter. He went to his father and asked the elder to open it for him.

"We can't play with it now, Woonie." Taehyung reached for the toy from his son to keep it. "Buuuuuuuut, I promise that we will go to the park tomorrow." He continued as soon as he saw Joowon's pout.

"Really?" Joowon asked excitedly.

"Yes. I don't have classes tomorrow but I do have work at night. Let's make a deal, handsome. We will be playing this at the park tomorrow but you have to behave at Minnie's house." Taehyung told the toddler.

"I promise." The child took Taehyung's hand to hook his pinky finger to the other.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Taehyung hugged the child and kissed the top of Joowon's head. "You have to take a shower later, young man. You smell bad."

"I do not! You just smell yourself, appa." Joowon came closer to his father to smell him. He pinched his nose, acting like his father really smells bad.

Then, Taehyung actually smelled himself. "I do not! And who taught you that?"

"Minnie and Swaegmaster." The child innocently said.

"Don't call them that. I swear that couple teaches you stupidity." Taehyung facepalms himself at the said couple. He reminds himself that he need to talk to them tomorrow.

After Taehyung showered Joowon, they ate dinner which his mother prepared for them. That was always their routine. After Taehyung's classes which mostly took late at night, he picks Joowon from his mother's house. His mother, on the other hand, prepares food for them so that when they went home, all they have to do is rest. Joowon already have clothes there because he spends most of his time there.

Mrs. Kim bid them goodbye after dinner. The father and son rode a bus to their apartment which was 20 minutes away from there. They still have to walk a little from the bus station though.

As they arrive at their apartment, Taehyung set Joowon at the living room and gave him his toys so that he can clean himself up. After preparing for bed time, he picked his child and went to their room.

"How was your day, Appa?" Joowon asked. He was staring at the stars on the ceiling which Taehyung's friends installed for him.

"It was good, Woonie. How about yours?" Taehyung had his arms as Joowon's pillow. They always have this conversation before going to bed. Well, since they are apart most of the time of the day, Taehyung wants to know how Joowon's day went. I guess the child was used to it that he was now the one who asks it to his father.

"My teacher asked us to draw. I drew Appa, Minnie, Swaegmaster, Sunshine, Doc Jin, Joonie, Granny, and me!" The child exclaimed. Taehyung just laughed at the nicknames Joowon have for them. Well, the others made him call them that after all.

"That's great! May I see it tomorrow?" Joowon hummed as a response then yawned afterwards. Taehyung took this as a sign to sing the boy to sleep. He hummed the song he love which was Purpose. He also went to sleep after hearing Joowon's soft snores.


I love this update omg. I went on full uwu.

Anywaaaaaaay, I had finished Once a Fanboy so I'm going to focus on this story now.

I'm sorry for the looooooooong wait for this update. I had a writer's block during the last chapter but I'm glad I overcame it and I'm so proud that I came up with this.

I hope you liked this update too.

Ily! 💕

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