Chapter LV - Duel of the Heirs

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Thursday 3rd December, 07:30.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

Gotham Heights.

Panting heavily, the young child quickly turned a sharp corner, slipping slightly on the ice, but quickly scrambled to his feet and continued running. He didn't know if anyone was following him, yet he wouldn't put it past those at the orphanage to have figured out that he had already run away. It wouldn't be the first time he had tried to escape, but whereas before he had been too eager and got caught as a result, he had decided to be a bit calmer this time.

Coming to a stop, Jason Todd braced his hands against his knees as he sucked in air to his lungs. After having been saved by Black Hood, Jason had been taken to the Police Station and then later taken to an orphanage. He didn't know why Naruto couldn't look after him, but he was still extremely grateful.

That's why he had stayed there for so long, yet he just couldn't be there any longer. Especially when he learned that Black Hood hadn't been seen for six months. 'Naruto wouldn't just leave, he promised to save Gotham like he saved me.' In Jason's mind there had to be a reason as to why Black Hood was missing and he was going to find out.

-X- Line Break -X-

Thursday 3rd December, 07:30.


Location Unknown.

It had been raining recently, the once pure, white snow being turned into a greyish slush. However, Wintergreen had been hard at work cleaning the courtyard and making it useable and so, there were large piles of slushy snow at the corners and edges of the courtyard forming a wall-like structure.

As Slade, Rose and Naruto stepped out into the courtyard, each in varying states of dress that one shouldn't wear in such cold conditions. Yet despite that, none of them acted like it was any differently and why should they? Slade had made sure to ensure that both of them were fighting in some of the worst conditions and they had come out on top.

The serum, besides it's regenerative and enhancing abilities, also gave ones body the ability to adapt to the surroundings around them. It was limited and therefore one couldn't step out into the vacuum of space and survive. The time taken for their bodies to adapt would mean they would die in space before they could adapt. But their bodies adapted in order to be able to fight in some of the coldest conditions wearing the bare minimum. And on the other hand, fighting in warm conditions in far too much clothing.

Each one for a normal person would be debilitating to them, but for these three they only suffered some minor discomfort before their bodies adapted.

As such, the three moved calmly, their body temperature increasing in order to combat the cold air and keep their body from shutting down. Eventually coming to a stop with Rose on one side, standing beside one another with Slade turning to face them a slight distance in front.

"So why exactly are we here, I thought we had the day off?" Rose asked as she looked at her father with her arms crossed over her chest.

Slade nodded his head in agreement. "You did, but I realised after going over what happened yesterday, it was best to increase my schedule a little." The way he phrased it put both of them on edge and by the smile on Slade's face, that had been his intention.

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