Chapter Twenty Three

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The sun had set. Bucky offered to spend the night with me again, but I refused. I didn't get all that much rest. Maybe it was the bullet wound on my arm. Maybe it was the overwhelming fear of falling asleep. It doesn't matter right now, because here we are the next morning, doing mission prep.

"Stark's going to fly us out in about..." He glances at his watch. "20 minutes."

"That soon? I still need to get everything together-" I start, surprised I've been kept so out of the loop.

"Y/'re staying here."


"Steve and I talked, and we've decided that until you're fully healed it's best that you avoid the action." Bucky says, smoothing out my uniform.

"Oh you talked, did you?" I say, taking a step back and away from his touch.

"Yes, we did. And quite frankly, I know what you had to do last time messed you up, whether or not you want to talk to me about it."

"I'm not 15 anymore, Buck! I'm an adult and I have been for some time! You don't get to make decisions for me behind my back!" I raise my voice at him, but he doesn't back down.

"Y/N, you were fucking shot!" He says in exasperation.

"And I'm- ouch- nearly healed!" I tear off my bandage to reveal a very much open gunshot wound, though it has healed remarkably quickly in the day we've been back. My best guess is that the serum has something to do with it.

"Please, just sit this one out." He pleads, taking a step towards me, and I let him. "Just this one."

I'm silent, avoiding his eyes. He wraps his arms around me and I bury my face in his chest.

"You're insufferable and I don't like you."

"I love you, doll face." He says with a chuckle.

"I love you too." I grumble. "Now go."

"Rest!" He shouts at me as he walks away, off to fight a battle that I'd give my left arm to be a part of.


"Y/N, I love you dearly, but you have gotta be the most stubborn woman this side of the Mississippi." Lu sighs as she wraps up my arm for the second time.

"He could have just talked to me." I mumble.

"Would youd've listened?"

"...probably not."

"Point proven." She says as she finishes up. "Try to keep it on your arm this time?"

"Thanks, Lu." I crack a small smile.

"You're very welcome." She says as I push myself off the table and survey the empty hospital tent.

"It's not often it looks like this." I comment on our way out.

"Good to know nobody's hurting." She says with a smile.

"Yeah." I nod, hoping the same is true about my boys.

We walk a ways in quiet. The trip from my tent to the hospital tents has become so routine that I start to zone out while muscle memory takes over.

I don't like this.

I should be out there with them.

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