Chapter 11:

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* Y/n p.o.v*

It was a close game, I have no clue what the score is not wanting to be desapointed. It was once again Nekomas serve, our middle blocker received it with such ease. Letting the ball flow to our setter, we decide to do a sync attack . As we were running up Nekoma prepared to get a block in. Our middle blocker lisa spiked it once we landed but Nekoma middle got the block.

Keiko quickly dives for it but it went towards our coaches bench.

" WATCH OUT COACH" I yelled while jumping in a dolphin dive position. Over the bench to receive the ball.

Sending it to our right side hitter, I screamed from the impact of the floor and !y shoulder. I looked up to see if we had got the point but Nekoma libero got it with such grace. Jumping over the bench once more I run into position to get an kill.

"1...2"  it was a triple block.

'I got it !' I gave our setter a high five when suddenly.

"AHH OH MY AISHHH OMO KUSO~" I cried out grabbing my shoulder in pain, tears threatening to come out my eyes. Everyone looked at in shocked.

"Time out ref" the ref called and ran over to me. "Are you okay sweetie?"

I shook my head yes.

"It just a little pain,I'm sorry for screaming I'll be fine." He nods and  we continue the game.

I could have felt the coaches stare the whole rest of the set luckily we won, my shoulder: about to break, my patience: running thin. Breed:different puuurrr.  Sakusa : wife ....

'its the calling your self sakusa wife for me' I thought to my self while walking to the coaches.

"Sit down we are taking you out the game." I look at him dead in the eyes.


"Coach I'm fine really!" I started to move my arm around showing him. Biting my tounge through the pain.

"Please coach.."

"Straighten your arm, I'm going to push down I want you to push up my arm without bending yours." I nod and do as I told

Not even five seconds in I'm struggling and let out a little yelp from the pain.

"Go sit down y/l/n I'm not going to say it again.," He says with a stern face.

"But coach please you have to believe me I'm fine." I say as I'm walking towards our second coach and riku.

" Y/n listen to Mr.yuri he knows what's best." Our second coach says.

The whistle blew time for our next set I was about to go when I heard coach say..

"Get her riku." Riku came to me and letter me holding me on his shoulder.

I punched him and tried holding myself up.

"Stupid shoulder...stupid riku..if only you weren't strong." I say thinking put loud.

" I heard that." He put me down on the bench., "Be a good girl and stay here while I get the bandaids from the nurse I'll patch you up."

I nod and he left to go..(・o・;)  wait did he say?!

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I meannnn but I-'

* Sakusa p.o.v*

I heard y/n scream and stood up instantly scaring the life of of Komori.

",Oh my you scared me" he said while holding his chest trying to calm down.

I looked at the court, the ref called a time out. Which was unusual unless it was something serious. Thy were talking and I couldn't really hear but I seen her give out a I'm fine but not really fine smile.

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