Chapter 1 :

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" look how cute noya is" 😖
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It was time, you took a deep breath before walking into the school gates. Letting out your breath you started to walk in. "GOOD MORRINNGGG [Y/n]!!!" Said the short girl while jumping on your back. "Good morning shorty" I gave her my famous smile before placing her on the ground.

" Hey there missy I am not short I grew 5 inches over the summer."she held up five fingers. "Whatever you say Keiko-Chan"We both started to head to our class. Keiko was our schools Libero, as I was a wing spiker. "I can't believe coach is making us go up against the boys team."keiko said while walking into the classroom door. "She is why what's the occasion?" She shrug her shoulders to me as we took our seats when suddenly a shy boy comes up to us.

"Good morning keiko-San and [y/n]-San" he blushed while saying my name. "Good morning" me and keiko said it at the same time making people stare. "I'm riku, and I was wondering if you would like to be friends?" I smiled at him. "Of course we would" I stood up and bowed to him,keiko following my lead.

The room became silent when a certain someone walked in. Sakusa Kiyoomi.. we all watched him walk in, me getting bored I sat back down and started talking to keiko about volleyball. " you guys play volleyball?" Riku asked with a glimmer beaming through his eyes. "Yes, do you play as well" I asked wanting to know more about him. "No I don't but I wish I did, being able to jump super high wanting to reach the very top just to slam the ball down again" keiko giggles at his response. "It's shoulds like you played before" he shook his head no. "I won't even bother trying i just watch it. I watched yours to [y/n]-san"

"Really !!" I looked at him full with happiness. " did I look cool? Did you enjoy watching me?" He shook his head yes. "You know" keiko suddenly said "we have a manager position open, so you could as coach about it." I stood up fast "omg yes !! And we can hang out all the time then, we'll even put in a good word for you" I smiled to him. "You guys really don't have too." I pouted "you don't want to hang-out with us?" He quickly patted my head "of course I do, fine I'll do it" me and keiko hugged him fast accidentally hitting Sakusa table.

"Watch it" he gave me a cold glare 'honesty he can't be serious' I would just like to put it out there whenI put ' ' that means thinking. I turned to him and bowed "I'm sorry" the next thing I know is I'm taking a whiff of Lysol. "Are you serious?" I scoffed. "Yes I'm serious, you nasty germ" he then wiped of the reaming of the spray and threw away the napkin. As he was turning an idea popes in my head. "Owww"i day as I grabbed my "hurt" ankle and with my other hand his desk. "Move." I heard him say. "No." I looked him dead in the eyes not backing down for his glare. "Alright class !! Please get seated." I broke eye contact first and sat down. Little did I know Sakusa was smirking under his mask.

*Sakusa p.o.v*

I watched her take her seat and I took mine shortly after.

'That nasty germ who does she think she is.' I quickly put some hand sanitizer on my hands and rubbed them as the teacher talked

* end of class sakusa p.o.v*

Class ended meaning it was time for lunch, I pulled my masked up to my chin when I hear some squealing. I looked up to see my fans girls trying to sneak pictures of me while I opened my bento. "Excuse me lady's" Komori walked between them our lovely Libero. " what's up sakusa." He grabbed a chair and brought it to my table. I pulled out hand sanitizer to give him some and he aight offering his hands。"Hey Komori". He opened his bento box and began to eat when someone caught his eyes.

"Dude why didn't you tell me [L/N] [Y/N] was here." I look at him shocked. "Do you know her?" I asked while looking at her. "Who doesn't know her not only is she the goddess of our school but she also one of the top aces in the nations." I nod. "Have you talked to her yet?" I shook my head yes. "It wasn't like how you're thinking it was more of a get your nasty germs away from me." He stood up causing her to give him attention. He blushed and bowed to her. "You didn't not say what I think you said." I shrug my shoulders.

"Maybe I did.." he looked at me with wide eyes "maybe I didn't.." he rolled his eyes. "Just tell me already" I smirked "that's for me to know and you to" He laughed "I know you did not just reference a vampire dairies line." I shrugs my shoulders as I finished eating when suddenly someone busted in the front door.

*Your p.o.v*

The three of us where eating when suddenly someone busted in the door like there was a killer chasing them. He ran up to me and shoved something towards me. Chocolates...
( you don't like sweets since your mom scared you when you were little saying that if you only ate candy, the doctor was going to pull out all your teeth and feed them to the tooth fairies.)

"For you [Y/n]-San please accept my love for you." He was holding them out while bowing to me. "I'm so sorry but I don't like sweets, I'll still accept them though." I grabbed the sweets out of the boys hands and smiled at him. "No I'm sorry I should've gotten you something better than lame sweets." He looked down nervous. "No no please don't be nervous" I quickly opened the box and stuff one in my mouth. "Hmmmm this is really good" he looked at me and smiled.

"Really! I made them my self" I nod and smiled trying to hide my pain. The bell quickly rang and he bid his farewells. I quickly run to the trash not wanting to throw up as I spit the chocolate out. "Where they that bad" riku asked I shook my head no. "I just don't like sweets they make me wanna throw up." He nod and I passed the sweets to keiko which she saved for later.

The teacher came in and began to teach class. I looked out of the window wondering about practice later. "[Y/n]-San!!" I stood up after hearing the teacher call my name. "Yes, Sir!" He looked at the board. "Come answer these questions" he threw a piece of chalk at me. I caught it swiftly as I walked up I noticed the boys staring at me. I quickly answer them bowed and went to my seat. "I understand you know the concept but please pay attention" I nod and he continued teaching.

* time skip after school*

School was finally over and I had got up to go to keikos desk. " you ready?" She nod her head we were about to head out when I heard someone call out us. "Wait for me" Riku shouted. " as I took a step back and turned I bumped into a stiff chest. I quickly bowed not looking at the person when I heard " disgusting germ." I looked up and met sakusa cold gaze. "Dumb rat" he quickly turned from his tracks and looked at me.

"What did you say?" He started to move forward to me. "Say it again I couldn't hear you." Not moving an inch I looked him in the eyes. "DUMB RAT" he was about to say something when someone came in our class calling for him. "SAKUSA COME ON BEFORE YOUR LAST TO CHANGE." His eyes widen as he left muttering something under his breath.

"You okay?" Keiko grabbed my arm as I nod. "Come on we got to get riku to coach and then change."i started while looking at them two with a smile. They both nodded as we made our way to the gym. I opened the door to hear a few shoes Squeaking on the floor, followed by hard slamming by the balls hitting the floor.



I hoped you guys enjoyed the first episode. I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes. I'll post as soon as possible and thank you for reading.

Joke of the day: " what lights up the soccer stadium?"

" a soccer match"

Lol bye bye !!!! That was so cheesy let me know if you want joke of the day!!

D I S G U S T I N G    [ Sakusa Kiyoomi x reader ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz