chapter 14:

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I was about to walk out the room, blanket and pillow in my hand. When I heard her say....

"Please ... Stay" I turned see around and looked back her to see she was sound asleep.

Without second thought I walked out and set up my bed next to the couch. ' I should shower, I have her germs all over me.'

10 minutes later.

I walked out and out on my mask and walked quietly into my room and grabbed a pair of clothes. I looked up and seen her asleep ' I'm going to have to bleach those sheets later.' I shook my head and walked out.  ' no no I'll just throw them away and buy new ones.' I nodded my head at my thoughts and got changed.

After changing I head downstairs. I head into my kitchen and poured me a glass a water. As I was drinking, i ran my hand across the counter and -


sticky...why is it so sticky.

I quickly wash my hands, and put on some gloves. I began cleaning.

And cleaning

And cleaning

And you guessed it


I had finally finish when I looked at the time....3am...just great. I walked towards my room once again and grabbed my clothes to take yet another shower. " I should wash my clothes while I'm at it."
I took my dirty clothes and started to put them in a washer. To past the time I turned on the shower and got in.

Within taking heavy breathes all I could think about was how dirty I was. The sticky ness on my hand. The dirt under my nails. I looked down and sighed. Letting the water run down my body. I took a deep breath and turned off the water after cleaning my self. Not wanting to take any longer I stepped out.

" I should probably take her out tomorrow. We can play volleyball. No. I'll take her to the beach. No to many germs." I finished putting on my clothes. "I have the best idea."

Y/n p.o.v

I woke up to a bright light and the sound of people talking. Without second thought I got up and did my morning stretch. After I walked down stairs to see to unfamiliar boys on Sakusa couch watching TV.  I quickly grab the nearest thing next to me which happens to be a broom. I slowly made my way behind the couch as quiet as a mouse.

I left up the broom and screamed. " INTRUDERS"  the boys quickly turned around while I wacked one upside the head with all my might. Causing him to pass out and fall on the floor.

"Oh wow, didn't expect that. Dang you really knocked him out. I gotta take a picture of this. "

" Who are you and what do you want." I looked at me. He got up and held out his hand, while I lifted the broom some more.

"Well first give me the broom. If I wanted to kill your or sum I wouldn't have been watching Sakusa tv. And second your gonna have to explain this to the his twin." He pointed at the unconscious boy laying in between us.

" Rintarō Suna, but call me Suna. I'm a second year at Inarizaki high." His eyes hung low and he looked extremely tired and bored. He took a few more pictures and sat down on the couch.

" What did you do with Sakusa ? "  He took a annoyed deep breath.

" You actually think I did sum to him. Listen here whatever your name is. He's out with miya number 2 getting groceries. Even though he didn't want too." He almost said in a wisper.

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