Posting !

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Okay guys I know I haven't been posting like usual. I'm sorry I've been super busy, I have a lot of missing work I have to catch up on. And I had a lot of family events happing。yes I'll be counting this story I'm not stopping i really love it and every one who reads it. Also please stop asking when I'm going to post, I'm sorry I get it it's my duty to post but I have a life too and I need to focus on school I want to go to college. I hope you guys understand.

Thank you so much for your votes, comments , I truly love reading your guys comments they make me laugh and feel better with my story.

After Friday ! I will he posting regularly! It really only takes me a day to write or an hour to write depending if I know where I wanna take the story !

My posting days would be everyday after this week, after my school and homework. So please expect new chapters at the end of the day around 7-9! They all won't be on time !!

I'm sorry for everything else!

Thank you for supporting my story !

Hope you keep reading !

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