Chapter 5:

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* your p.o.v dream*
6 years ago
I was so happy, I got all 100's while expect this one part but the teacher told me not to worry about because no one got it right. That she also didn't have enough to teach it and take it off the test. I walked into my house to find my mother on the coach waiting for my arrival, and my father above her with a smile on his face.

" how was school kid-" he was cut off by my mother who seemed ready to get disappointed.

" papers now." I smiled and walked to her with a smile still over my face, I gave her my papers. " what is this ?" I looked at her confused.

My dad grabbed the papers from my mom, he also looked confused to why she was upset with me.

" honey what's wrong she got all 100 expect this one, that's amazing for someone her age." She sighed.

" no it's not. What collage is going to take her." She sighs. " come on [y/n] you know the drill." My dad suddenly stopped me from moving.

" we talked about that we're not doing that again." She sighs and nods.

" I know we're not I have something else in mind." She looks at me. " you are not to leave your room for a week unless you have to go pee,go to school, we have to leave the house, or eat do you understand?" I nod and head up to my room.

I walked into my room, a desk, a bed, instrument and  learning books." I walk into my desk knowing what she was about to make me do and started study like crazy.

My mom walked in " [y/n] start studying" she looked at me with a smirk. " good" and walked out moments later. My head started to hurt so I stopped wanting to take a break.

When someone walked in my room, total fear hitting me, I started to get back to work. It was my dad.

" [y/n] honey I'm sorry, but your mother thinks this is best for you." He placed a bag down on my bed and picked me up while looking at my work. " wow your so smart I wish I had your brain at your age." I giggled.

" dad I seen your school record your 100 times better than me." His eyes widen.

" nooo" I nod at his statement.

" here since your going to be here for a week which I think is crazy I bought you this." He grabbed the bag and opened it.

" close your eyes now no looking." I nod and close my eyes and held out my arms. I felt something drop in my hands. I opened my eyes and seen a volleyball in my hand.

" good job kiddo you earned it." He smiled and walked out.

I didn't waste no time getting up and playing with it. Days after mom will leave for business and at those times dad were off he will watch volleyball with me and take me outside to practice.

" dad. I caught the ball." He looked at me with a yes face. " I wanna play volleyball and be the best, I wanna play like the people do on tv for their country." He smiled

" ahh you want to be a professional volleyball player?" I nod and ran towards him. "I will accept that and allow you too. But you got to know that nothing comes with it easy. You'll have to practice like crazy and be the best and always remember that there is someone somewhere with more passion for the game then you who is willing to take it from you the moment you let you guard down. Someone who is working harder than you right now to win your spot on that court." He smiled and I nod at him.

" don't worry dad I'll be the best. I'll be number one and make the national girls team I promise." I held out my pinky and he did the same.

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