Chapter 7 :

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* your p.o.v*

I ran into the restroom trying to unlock his phone when suddenly.


The door was kicked open, I looked up to see a angry sakusa. Without second thought I tried to take off running. Keyword 'tried'. He caught me.

"Give me my phone you disgusting low life piece of germ." He said while pulling his mask up higher.

" ouch." I smirked at him, pushing out of his arms I ran into a stall holding his phone over the toilet.

" I SWEAR IF YOU DROP IT YOUR DEAD!!" Suddenly we heard knocking.

"Is there anyone in there?" We heard a female teacher call out. " I'm coming in."

I quickly pulled sakusa into the stall, had him stand on the toilet. While I sat on his feet, I looked up and noticed how close we were.

"Who is in here?"the teacher knocked on my stall.

" it's me [Y/N] [L/N]!" I blushed " My stomach hurts a lot that's why I couldn't open the door I'm sorry."

" ahh it's fine ace. Do you need anything ?"

" no thank you." I smiled slightly embarrassed.

After awhile she quickly left and I got from sakusa while he got down. Still in the stall when a group of girls walked him. Pushing him to sit on the toilet with his feet up I sat in front of him.

"Omg sakusa and [y/n] make such a cute couple remember when they were playing in the sprinklers." I blushed.

" yeah that was like some drama in real life, that made me feel so single." Said another girl.

" I was shocked honestly I didn't expect sakusa to get dirty like that but then again he seemed happy like when he was playing volleyball." Sakusa blushed.

" uh they will make such a power couple, I can't wait until actually start dating." After the girls agreed with her they walked out.

Me and sakusa waited until it was clear and then stepped out the bathroom.

" umm can I have my phone back ?" I looked up at him.

" oh yeah here." I passed him his phone and walked off when.

" [Y/n]!!" I turned to look at sakusa " come to my practice today."

" I'm sorry but I can't I have practice of my own today." He nod and walked off somewhere else.

I walked back to the classroom to collect my stuff when I noticed someone sitting on my desk, facing the window.

"Where have you been [y/n]?" He turned around. Chocolate boy?!

" ummm bathroom, can I help you with something ?" I smiled and walked to my desk grabbing my stuff staying a safe distance from him.

"Why were with sakusa?" I looked up dropping my smile.

" I don't know what your talking about." I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist pulling me back causing me to fall into his lap.

" you know what I'm talking about. Stop playing dumb. Your mine." I looked at him shocked and punched him.

" I am not yours, do I look like an object to you ?" I walked away before leaving. " please leave me alone. I don't want to be friends or anything else."

I heard him blow his breath and I ran to the locker room.

* sakusa p.o.v*

I head to the locker room, when I realized that I forgot my things in the classroom because of [y/n]. I was about to head in class when I heard.

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