chapter 13:

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| I don't know who this belongs too so if you are reading this please claim it so I can give your credits lol. |

P.o.V Sakusa  :

I quickly walked to the living room picking up the phone. "Omi-kunnn" I rolled my eyes upon hearing his voice.

"What do you want? Miya." I looked towards (y/n), currently stuffing your face with rice. "Are you free by any chance ?"

"No."  I said with no hesitation what so ever. " Ahhh come on don't be like that, I missed hanging out with you omi."  I rolled my eyes at that stupid nickname he had given me.

" Stop calling me that Atsumu, no I can't I've been busy"  I heard him sigh through the screen and heard another voice.

"Oi he said no huh?!" It was Osamu.

"SHUT YER TRAP !"  Atsumu suddenly shouted making me move the phone away from my ear quickly.

They continued to argue with each other and I hung up the phone sighing. I turned around about to tell (Y/n) who I was talking with when I noticed she was gone..

I looked for her shoes but they were gone as well...

" I swear to God y/n if you went to go see that germ, You're dead."  I looked and pointed to my ceiling. " DEAD DEAD I SAY ILL KILL YOU!!"


Sakusa was still on the phone, promising riku I head out of the house without saying goodbye. Half way to the park I wispered to my self "hes gonna kill me".

I had finally made it to the park and seen riku on the swings waiting for me.

" Hey sorry I'm late, I hope your not too cold." He stood up quickly. "No not at all and don't worry I just got here." He said in a rush voice. Pulling me towards the swing.

" So about earlier I just want to say I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten mad at you like that. I was just jealous because I really like you." My eyes widen. " Like you a lot and i know you don't like me back but please just give me a chance I'll promise to protect,cherish, and never let you be alone." He took a breath and stood up.

"I'll promise that I'll only be loyal to you, and you'll never have to doubt me. I'll be your shoulder to cry on. Please all I'm asking for is a chance." I sighed and stood up as well.

"I'm so sorry riku but-"  He quickly cut me off and looked down. And walked up to me.

"Don't worry, I understand as long as we can still be friends . That's all that matters." I nod my head.

He quickly rapped his jacket around my shoulders since it started raining and pulled me under the play ground cover thing. So I didn't get wet.

" Wait here" I nodded and waited.

' was I too rude with him? I should have turned him down more lightly.'

I was waiting when he suddenly came back with an umbrella soaking wet. He passed me it and cleared his thoart. " Here take it, I can't walk you home since I got to go somewhere else. But text me when you get home. Matter of fact call me rn while you walk home." I nod and Began to call him and he picked up and pushed me to leave. Walking me to the gate.

I began my journey home.

Riku p.o.v

I ran to the convince store soaking wet. Coughing and ran to the umbrella section extremely cold. "This only please" The cashier looked at me worried. "Excuse me, but would you like a jacket or even some coughing medicine?" Debating on weither I should or not.

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