Chapter 8 :

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* your p.o.v *

You both turned around and seen ushijima?

"Ushijima San what are you doing here ?" I walked up to him.

" I left my right knee pad over here and decided to come get it." I nod my head, and Riku came up to me.

"Don't worry I'll take her home, you live pretty far ushijima-san." Riku said with a little edge to it.

"No it's fine she lives by the train I have to take."ushijima says like his usual self.

I looked up to the boys, Riku was a little shorter than ushijima but not by a lot.

" it's okay Riku, I'll text you when I get home. And plus your injured go take care of that." I gave him a warm smile letting him know I'll be fine.

" alright but call me if anything happens." He said in a whisper so only I can here. He walked off and my and ushijima walk towards my house.

"How's school?" I ask breaking the awkward silence.

" it's fine." He says bluntly. " what about you."

" good ig, there is this kid bothering me though." I gave him a weak smile.

" who ? Do you want me and tendou to handle him? Or her?" He paused before saying her.

" well no, I got it handle, don't worry he is going to stop." I sighed. " it's just might be awhile." He nodded at my statement.

" if you ever need something I'll be here, well tendou too." I nod. " I think all the guy volleyball players know who you are."

" really ?! What makes you say that?" I looked at him with the must passionate eyes.

" well, whenever you play the news reporter talks about you playing with and against certain guys from different volleyball teams." He says while looking around the scenery.

" that sound like so much fun, maybe one day I could go against you." He stop and so did I.

"What makes you say that?" He straighten him self out a little tense.

" your the third ace for boys volleyball, I'm number one for girls. I think I'll be a pretty good rival." I smiled at him not be able to find the right word.

"Okay, I guess I'll text you tomorrow to see what day you want to have this game." I nod and looked around.

I noticed we made it to my place in a short matter of time.

" thank you dropping me off ushijima San I truly appreciate it." I bowed to him while he did the same.

"It's my pleasure, well I better get going tendou is waiting for me." I nod and he left while I entered the door.

Within a blink of an eye my father was in front of me trying to catch his breath.

" was that ushijima ?! Number third of men's ace?!" I nod my head. " please tell me your dating him."

I shook my head no and he pouted.

" good your not allowed to date but if your not dating than what was he doing all the way over here?" He leaned against the wall.

" he left one of his knee pads from our last game, and came by to pick it up." He nods his head

" and what about keiko ?" I looked up.

" still short and a little ball of energy but not the usual dose." He laughed understanding what I meant. When suddenly mom walked to us.

" a boy came earlier today wondering if you came home, we told him you were at his friends house is he your boyfriend?" Mom says coldly.

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