Chapter 4:

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*The next day *

You woke up and to your closet doing your morning routine. Today was the practice match you packed your uniform and went downstairs making you some food. You decide to make avocado toast one for sakusa.

You walked outside seeing him waiting for you. "Simp" you try saying in his voice.

" are you trying to copy me ?" You couldn't see it but he was smiling under his mask.

" it's doesn't matter here I made you this since you gave me a cliff bar." He took it and pulled down his mask.

" did you wash your hands before making this?" I nod yes. "Did you posison it ?" You shook your head no. "What did you make it with?"

" if you don't want it then don't eat it." I was going to pull it away but he ate it. His eyes became wide.

" it's good, cook for me now one I don't eat breakfast or dinner so I'll be expecting a meal."

" uhh no do I look like a maid to you?" I said while walking. " but sure cause why not, I need to practice my cooking skills for my future husband anyway."

"Which is?" He looked at me curious.

"Ushijima" I smile to my self and he just rolled his eyes and kept eating.

We were walking in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence but more comfortable. We both enjoyed it. That's what he liked about you. You didn't mind being quite, that you knew when it was time to calm down and to be hyper.

We made it to school and as we were walking we heard people talking about us being a couple, or just being close friends. Honestly I didn't know what we were but I like being around him it's fun.

" you wanna eat lunch with me ?" I asked him with curios eyes.

" can't we have practice during lunch today." I nod and started to walk away from him when he suddenly called me back. " wait [Y/n]!" I turned to look at him.

" come to my practice, and bring me some water." He said while placing his hands deeper in his pockets.

" no that's what your manager is for." I want about to walk away when he suddenly came in front of me.

" no not water I mean a mask I'm going to need a new mask after bring me one and then wait for me until practice is over."

" can't I got to eat too you know" he rolled his eyes.

" just come watch me practice that's all I'm saying." After he said that he quickly walked away feeling his cheeks firing up.

' if you keep doing this to me sakusa I might actually end up catching feelings.'

I started walking up to my classroom when I suddenly got a call. It was mom...

"Hello sweetie."

" hey mom, what's up."

" I just wanted you to know that me and your father are expecting you to come to South Korea."

" mom please we all made a deal that I will stay out here and play volleyball."

D I S G U S T I N G    [ Sakusa Kiyoomi x reader ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz