End of the First Day

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         "Looks like we got this next one together." Atsumu hums as he joins you at the class entrance. 

         "Alright." You smile. "How has your day been?" You ask as you both head inside to sit down.

         "Boring." He deadpans. "And you seem to be having too much fun."

         "Hm? You think so? I'm just making friends." You smile. He frowns at you lightly before sighing and looking at the board.

         "Hey! Hey! Hey!" An energetic guy comes in looking cheerful. He peers about before his gold eyes lock with yours and he swiftly comes over. "Can I sit with you?" He asks lightly.

         "Sure." You smile tilting your head. "I'm ___.”

         "I'm Bokuto! Nice to meetcha." He grins sitting beside you. 

         "Seriously?" Atsumu huffs and you both look at him. "You had other people you could sit with. Why ___?” 

          "Because she looked really nice." Bokuto smiles.

          "I am nice." You beam.

          "You… Physically can't be mean." Atsumu reminds you.

           "Oh. Sounds like a fairy thing!" Bokuto comments.

           "It is." You nod. 

           "Hm? But you're not tiny- well you are, but not like teeny tiny…" He tilts his head. "Oh! Are you a giant fairy?" His eyes light up. 

           "Sure. Let's go with that." Atsumu answers for you.

          "So cool!" He gushes. You smile a bit, feeling warm from his presence. "I'm the son of an archangel. So we're meant to get along." He points to himself happily. 

          "Whoa. Okay!" You chime. Atsumu groans quietly at that. 

          Bokuto was a bit of a distraction throughout class. But he meant well, asking you all kinds of questions and getting scolded by the teacher for it.

          Before long the introduction ends and the class is given free time to chat. "So what clubs are you going to be in?" Bokuto asks.

         "Gardening and baking." You tell him.

         "Eh? We can pick two?" His eyes widened. "If I join baking can I eat what you make? Oh but I want to join magic sports too." He hums in thought.

         "You can do both, Oikawa is." You assure lightly.

         "Awesome!... Who's Oikawa?" Bokuto tilts his head.

         "A demon that was in my last class. He said I should watch magic sports some time." You hum.

        "Ohhh! Hey hey hey! We should watch it together! I'll teach ya!" He beams. 

        "Wait wait wait. Ya suddenly interested in magic sports?? I can teach ya a thing or two!" Atsumu jumps in on the conversation now. 

        "We should all hang out then!" Bokuto gasps excitedly.

        "Sure. Sounds fun." You smile. 

        "We can do it at my place." Atsumu hums.

        "Ooh yeah. I'll bring snacks!" You beam. 

        "Oh no you don't. You wont pay attention if you and Samu get into another baking competition." Atsumu rejects. 

Don't Bite ~ Satori Tendo x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon