New Friends

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         "Oh. Most of our classes are together." Tendo leans over peering at your schedule.

         "Yeah. By the way, can I ask what-" He puts a finger to your lips.

         "Nope." He smiles tilting his head. "I think our class is this way." He then points down the hall. He was quick to avoid the question, but you didn't mind, holding onto the back of his shirt as you peer around. Some students shoot you some odd gazes. 

          'They must have noses like Osamu and Atsumu.' You think, dropping your gaze. 'Probably don't know what to think of me…' You figure as Tendo reaches the classroom and peers in. 

          "Oh. Creepy science room." Tendo smiles and you peer in too, creeping vines cover the walls and the teacher's desk is full of beakers.

          "You're kind of blocking the way.." Someone comments and you both look back to see a guy with slitted eyes pairing at you with a curious head tilt. His black snake tongue flickers out at you both before he blinks straightening up. "That's an odd combo… Be careful making new friends." He tells you brushing past and going into class.

          "Snake…" You murmur.

          "You don't like them?" Tendo asks carefully, guiding you in and to a seat in the back row.

          "I like them. I love finding them in the garden… I just wasn't expecting… That." You weren't sure how to say it without it sounding unintentionally rude. "I really need to do more research…"

         "That's okay. I can help you with it." He takes a book from his backpack. "I have a species book. He opens it up and you scoot closer to him, peering at the book. He smiles a bit at that before pausing and covering his mouth.

         "Hm? You okay?" You glance at him for the sudden movement. 

         "Mhm… So he's probably a Naga or some variation." He keeps his mouth covered as he opens the book to the page. "See? There's a lot of variations. Rattlesnake, viper, King snake… Oh… There's even a dragon viper…" He murmurs.

         "Whoa. That one looks awesome!" You whisper. He smiles widely, dropping his hand as he watches you in amusement.

         "Aw… ___…" He chuckles.

         "What? Oh! Your teeth! They look like a shark's suddenly." You gasp in surprise. He pauses and covers his mouth again with a nervous chuckle.

         "Yeah. Sorry. They've never done that before." He says lightly.

         "Alright let's begin class. Focus unless you wanna die on your first day~" A tall woman sings as she enters class. You and Tendo blink, putting up the book to pay attention. 

          It doesn't take long for you to figure out that Ms. Bomba is a mad scientist. She was also the one that gassed the entire room forcing everyone into the hall.

         "Hehehe. I like her, she's funny." You giggle in amusement as Tendo joins you away from the students.

          "She seemed as surprised as us when it started smoking like that." He chuckles lightly.

          "Hey." You both look at the naga as he leans toward you. "You're really small huh? And your scent is like a fairy's… Are you a hybrid?"

           "Um… I'm a halfling…" You murmur unsure.

           "Ah. I get it. Fairy halflings are rare though so I was curious. I'm Daishou by the way." He introduces himself.

Don't Bite ~ Satori Tendo x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ